seven - potion

133 8 2

seven: magical coffee

"Gerard, don't do this, I'm telling you one last time, and when he finds out, I promise I will do nothing but sit back and laugh," Ray warned and wrapped an arm around Mikey's middle as Mikey face planted into Ray's chest.

Gerard waved him off. "It's just a love potion, guys calm down. After it works, he'll go on a date with me and then realise that he actually likes me, don't worry."

"And you're doing this because...?" Mikey asked, trailing off and deciding that he didn't know whether he wanted the actual answer.

"Because I know he'd never even consider going out with me otherwise. Yeah, it's creepy, but I dunno... he's just too cute to risk rejection on, you know?"

"I don't think he'd..." Mikey began and then stopped, knowing that if he continued with his sentence, he might fuck this up even more royally.

Ray gave his hand a squeeze of appreciation and Mikey sighed and curled up against Ray's side as he watched sadly. Gerard had a literal cauldron that he borrowed from one of his DnD friends and now he was stirring in little herbs and things into it over his stove, adjusting the flames from time to time and stirring clockwise and counterclockwise methodically.

Ray just shook his head as Gerard added in a little bit of honey and gave it a few stirs.

"There," he said and smiled sheepishly. "I'm such a creep, aren't I?"

Mikey sighed and nodded at his brother, his mouth twisting up awkwardly. "Yeah, this is a little bit borderline uh... like rapey, almost? What are you doing again? Drugging the poor guy so he agrees to go on a date with you?"

Gerard turned the stove off guiltily and pushed some short black hair behind his ear. "Well, when you put it that way, Mikes--"

"Just forget he even said it," Ray huffed. "How the fuck do you even plan on getting him to ingest it?"

"I fucking bring him coffee every day, Ray. I'll go make it, slip this shit in and then bring it to him."

"You aren't his secretary, why do you bring him coffee?" Mikey grumbled.

"Because the room with the coffee machine on the way to our office by the way that I get in, but not for him."

"That's fair," Ray said and Mikey poked him.

"Frank should be able to get his own coffee," he sighed. "You're a little desperate, you know that, bro?"

Gerard blushed and looked at his hands which were folded in his lap. "I might chicken out. If we weren't meant to date, maybe I should just accept that and move on."

"That's the fourth time this week I've heard you say that," Ray said nonchalantly. "Look how fucking far you've come, lover-boy."

Gerard's blush got worse and he nervously tucked more hair behind his ear. "Fuck, I have, haven't I?"

"You know what, just do it," Mikey burst out. "This shit ain't real anyway, so you'll put it in, bring it to him, then he'll drink it, and then nothing will happen, and you'll fucking get... I dunno... Gerard, you might get rejected."

"If this is all bullshit, I will get rejected, Mikes," Gerard said and then sighed. "But I guess you're right. It's worth a shot. Besides, it isn't like this shit is dangerous. It's just edible herbs and honey and sugar and shit."

"Just..." Ray said and then rubbed a hand over his eyes. "Don't get yourself into a lawsuit."


october challenge | frerard | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt