sixteen - saint

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sixteen: forgive me father, for i have sinned

"Hey, it's alright, really," Frank cooed, taking the little girl's face into his hand and watching her lean into it. She was probably around fifteen, but her eyes were already glossy, her brain already swirling with it. It gave Frank a sick kind of high to see people so vulnerable, so usable. He sniggered as she fell forward into him—the spell was near completion. Her body started undulating, shuddering violently and a low cry left her lips. It was painful, yes, but they never remembered it in the end.

All they remembered was the Endarkenment.

Frank sighed as the girl collapsed completely on the floor. It was almost time, almost. The girl looked up at him, eyes greying into black, and Frank grinned. She was taking it so well. Maybe he'd let her be higher up in the ranks. It seemed like she was ready; like she wanted this.

"What's happening?" she croaked and struggled to look into Frank's eyes. They were lightening. "Stop it! Stop it, please!" she gasped, and her nails scratched angrily at her neck, making angry red lines pop up far too quickly.

Frank's heart started beating quickly. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her eyes were lightening to white, and she was dry heaving onto the ground. Her neck and chest were covered in red lines from her nails, and her mouth was filling up with bright red blood. He cringed. They were never supposed to be hurt, but this... this was an exorcism.

Wearily, he turned around and faced the man he was expecting to behind him, but this time, there was another with a black leather jacket and a puffy afro.

"Forgive me, Father for I have sinned," Frank smirked and crossed his arms, jutting out his hip. "Obviously."

"You're awful," the Father shook his head and stepped forward, past the kid in the red leather. "She was so devoted, she loved God, and you corrupted her."

Frank snorted and pointed to her, pulling puppy dog eyes at Gerard. "But Gerard, she was turning so well! She wanted it, she craved it."

Gerard didn't have anything to say to this, so Frank grinned, flashing him a devious smile. "You know I'm right. Let her become herself," he paused to lick his lips and elicit a shiver from Gerard. "She could do it..." he paused for dramatic effect, knowing he was affecting Gerard. "All by herself."

"You don't know that," the black leather jacket kid said, and Frank shifted his attention.

"What? Who even are you?" he snickered and stepped forward, not uncrossing his arms.

"I'm the Father's apprentice. He and I are working together to save these innocent people from your dark magic."

Frank rolled his eyes. "What could you ever do to defeat me? Pray?" he scoffed.

"Well, we could try," he said, and his afro bounced with his frantic nodding.

Frank rolled his eyes, turned back to Gerard and picked the girl up, throwing her limp and struggling body over his shoulder. "Let her go. Just this one. You can turn whoever else you want Catholic," he paused, laid a hand on her forehead and muttering to himself. Her body fell limp and she sagged on his shoulder, her pain diffusing into unconsciousness.

"What did you just do?!" Gerard hissed, hurrying forward, but Frank held out his hand.

"She's an atheist again. Just like right before we started."

"She was never an atheist," Gerard snarled, but Frank just laughed in his face.

"Not in practice, but just because her parents forced her to go to church doesn't mean that reflects her actual beliefs," he smirked again, and Gerard felt a chill run up his spine, shivering again, he frowned.

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