Chapter 26

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Ash's POV
"It's quite late now, Do you two want to stay over?" Gary asked Misty and May "If it isn't a problem" May said, Misty agreed "Why don't we all sleep here? Like a big sleepover?" Bonnie suggested "yeah, that sounds good to me" I said, making the others agree as well, We then started Putting out futons for everyone, we were all gonna sleep in the big living room, Angela is sleeping in my room with my pokemon while the rest of Us stayed in the living room, of course Reggie is in his Room, we all got ready for bed, and we all took our places in our futons, time passed and we were all asleep

Serena's POV
Everyone is asleep, I stood up and walked over to a big window, big enough for me to sit on the windowsill, I looked out to the moon 'Ash is Red.. i can't believe i was falling in love with the same person again..' I thought as I smiled softly "I'm Glad my Ash is back.." I told myself quietly "I'm Glad to be back Serena" a voice said behind me, I looked over that direction and saw Ash Standing there with a big smile, I blushed softly and smiled at him "Hey Serena.. about what you said when your first met red.." he said, I was confused at first, but then I remembered, I blushed madly
"Why are you so desperate to see Ash anyways Serena?" Max asked, Ash glared at him but he wasn't fazed "I..I-I Uhm..kind of Like him...."Serena answered flusteredly;
Flashback End~

"W-wait uhm--" I flusteredly said, I was moving around so much that I opened the window behind me, and I almost fell down, my body was falling aback, but something caught me, and that something is Ash, he pulled me Close to him "Be careful.." he whispered to me, I was Blushing madly, not even fazed at the fact that I almost fell down "i-i'll be more Careful.." I stuttered "You should go to bed Serena.. Pretty girls like you need a lot of Beauty sleep" he Chuckled softly 'This isn't like Ash, back then he was Dense, and when he compliments people he says it in such a Friendly way that he'd friend zone girls just like that , but now.. he is Complimenting me isn't like back then!' I thought "I'll go to bed now thank you.." I said with a soft smile, He smiled at me and gently kissed my head, he hugged me closely, his head resting against my shoulder, he then whispered "Just so you know.. I like you too.. and what I said back then..about me regretting not kissing you back.. it's true" he whispered, this made me blush madly, he Chuckled and pat my head "Good Night Serena" he said as he made his way to his Room, probably checking on Angela or Checking on his Pokemon, little did he know I stood there blushing madly, I looked like a Tomato that's on a stick frozen in place, after a while I brought myself to my futon, and slowly fell asleep with a wide smile on my Face

Gary's POV
I woke up pretty early, i looked around and saw ever- 'Where's Misty?' I thought as i stood up and walked around the Room, i eventually found her in the kitchen, feeding her Pokemon, she noticed me and smiled softly "Good Morning Gary" she greeted "Good Morning Misty, Why are you up so early?" I asked her, she chuckled softly and leaned against the counter "My Eevee woke me up" she said "You have an Eevee?" I asked, she nodded gently and looked over to one of her Pokemon eating happily, it was the Eevee she mentioned "when did you catch her?" I asked and Decided to start preparing food for breakfast "She was a gift.." she muttered, I walked over t the fridge and got some Eggs "Gift from who?" I asked as I walked back over to the stove, she looked down and fiddled with the hem of her shirt "Rudy.." she whispered, that made me freeze "Rudy eh.." I said as I got a bowl and broke a few eggs, 6 for the first batch and 5 for the second batch enough for all of them, I tried to change the subject "How do you like your eggs cooked Misty?" I asked, she looked up at me and said "I like mine scrambled" she Sad with a sad smile, I nodded and started to cook the eggs, I glanced at her from time to time, just to see her staring at Her Eevee, it hurt me seeing her like this so I said "Thanks for the gift by the way" i thanked, this made her blush madly "o-oh no problem" she said as she held her arms shyly, I chuckled at her "Cute" I said aloud, this made her blush even more

Max's POV
I woke up with a yawn, I smelled eggs being cooked in the kitchen so I figured either Brock or Gary was cooking, I stood up and Got Ready in the Bathroom, after getting ready, I glared at the Contacts Gary got for me if I ever got tired of my Glasses,
Flash Back~
"MAX!" Gary yelled "WHAT" I yelled back "come here!" He called to me, I groaned and walked into the living room, I saw Gary there with a Small bag with a logo of an eye care place "What do you want?" I asked "Here, use these if you ever get tired of your glasses" he said and gave me the bag "Why?" I asked him confused "No reason, who knows maybe you'll look better without glasses" he said 'is that supposed to be a Compliment?' I thought
Flashback end~
I sighed and Decided to give it a try, i put on some Brown contacts and i even tried to fix my messy bed hair, as I looked in the mirror and I was-- shookt 'I look like Ash' I thought

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