Chapter 66

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Ash's POV 

I was In Great Pain, I couldn't help but scream and yell from the bubbling heat from my body and the hammering headache I was experiencing, I don't know what is going on, but whatever it is, It's really really pushing me to my wits end.

As soon as I collapsed on the ground, unable to move from the pain, I saw a Blurry feline figure approach me, I didn't have the strength nor the mental power to push it away, it was either a foe or an ally, nonetheless other from the blurry creature, all I could see was black, a sea of black, a void of nothingness

Red's POV

"Persian!" I heard Persian yell behind me Persian! What are you doing?! I said get Ash out of here-" I yelled out, only to stop as soon as I heard Ash's Body collapse on the ground "tch, You're gonna pay for this Giovanni, Charizard let's go" I said as I ran to Ash's Body.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Giovanni huffed out, but before he could order his Pokemon to attack, I was already riding on Charizard's back with Ash and Persian.

I look down to see Gary and Blue fighting off a bunch of now-awake Grunts "I got Ash" I yelled out and jumped off of Charizard whilst carrying Ash Bridal style, As I placed him down next to Serena with brock, I noticed a Grunt rush over to Giovanni at the corner of my eye.

As soon as he reached Giovanni, the Machine then shut off "Yes!" I heard Max and the Champions cheer, "I guess the Machine is off the list" Gary scoffed as he backed up close to us "We still have a lot to check off" Brock muttered out still formulating the antidote for Serena.

"...Now that I think about it... Do you think Nurse Joy and the Others made it to the Poke center?" Max wondered out loud, I froze "... they left?... for the Poke Center?" I asked trembling slightly.

"Oh, uhm yes, That's what I heard from Paul and Trip..." Max answered, fiddling with his fingers, I shot up from Ash's side and gripped my hands "Charizard, we have to go check if they're alright" I ordered.

He nodded and let me hop on his back "Let's go" I said preparing to fly off, only to be cut off by the speakers ringing "I swear... that has to be taboo by now..." I told myself jokingly.

"Looking for her Red?" Giovanni said through the Mic, I looked up and saw him in the middle of the field, there I saw, Yellow tied up and passed out "What is with All these Unnecessary clichés?!" I Growled to myself "Oh, these too" I heard him say, as the grunts suddenly threw Nurse Joy, Bonnie, and Angela, all passed out.

I grew angrier, and I could tell two others were fuming behind me "HAVEN'T YOU ALREADY DONE SO MUCH DAMAGE ALREADY?! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOU'RE IRRELEVANT BY NOW" I heard a female voice come from the Bleachers.

"LET THOSE GIRLS GO!" The female voice echoed again, only to be followed by a bunch of echoes, following the female's raging words.

I tried looking for her in the crowd, but alas, She was nowhere to be seen in a sea of people complaining just like her, "SHUT UP! WHO WAS THAT?!" Giovanni yelled in anger, "Pikachu..?" I heard Brock mutter out from behind me "Thank goodness you're awake... are you okay?" Brock asked.

Pikachu nodded, looking around as he then spotted Ash, limping his way over "Pikachu..."Brock tried to stop him, but he couldn't stop the yellow Rodent from walking over to his bestfriend, what you'd be expecting was tears of Joy from seeing him safe, but as soon as he reached Ash, he electrocuted the hell out of him, literally (That's a joke pls don't come after me)

As the crowd bothered Giovanni, Pikachu was already making an effort in getting Ash out of his state after just waking up "Wasn't that voice familiar..?" Paul asked out of the blue "What?" I asked "Oh, I Meant the woman yelling earlier, she sounded fairly familiar" He said.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, but who I wonder" Max echoed out his thoughts, I hummed and looked down "Rather... let's think about that later, We need to get the girl's out of there" I said and they all nodded.

Delia's POV

I looked down at Red and the others, smiling sadly "...Ms. Delia?" I heard Dawn call for me "Oh, uh, yes?" I asked "Wouldn't you like to go down... and greet him?" She asked, I turned around and shook my head "We're in the middle of something... there's no need..." I said.

"Plus, what more do I have to say?" 

eyuhhh, so, sad news, we're nearing the end, it's the last 4 chapters, plus 5 side story/epilogue chapters, what I want to know is, where do you guys want to see these characters in the Epilogue,

Alola? or the Galar region, please comment your answer :DDD

if there aren't any comments on this matter, I'll just go ahead and follow the first book thank ya'll <3

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