Chapter 72

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Flight to Los Angeles

Prince POV

I know I should wake her up to feed the twins, but her rest on our way out to LA is of the utmost importance right now, more important than anything in the world. While I was observing her sleeping, she is so restless. Usually, she sleeps peacefully in my arms and never moves unless it is slightly to get into me closer. This time she is fidgeting her foot, or her hand or grinding her teeth. She seems to be tormented by something, then she finally settled down about the time to feed the babies and I just couldn't wake her up and disturbs her needed sleep. I know she'll be upset but I'd rather have her ticked off at me than have her ill from not getting enough rest. Nanny knows the schedule to go ahead and feed the babies if we didn't go out to the main cabin. 

She continues to sleep peacefully in my arms until the captain turns on the fasten seat belt light indicating our descent into LAX. I nuzzle deeper into the curve of her neck, kissing her softly to lovingly ease her awake for our arrival in Los Angeles. Stretching and yawning, "Sweetie, is it time to feed the babies?" 

I dread what I am about to tell her. I have to break it to her gently, "No Mama, we are preparing to land in LA." 

Her head snaps around, glaring at me, "Huh? I was supposed to feed my babies. Why are you keep them away from me?" 

I figured this was coming, "Mama, you were so restless this afternoon and needed your sleep. I don't want you to be under the weather when we have all that's going on in the next few days. Also, I selfishly admit I wanted to keep holding you a bit longer." 

She is looking at me with her side-eye. "Now were sound asleep and needed to rest. When we get to the house, I'll order up a bowl of wet noodles so you can give me 1000 lashes." 

She smiles, laughing and smirks, "Aww, Pappa. No problem, it's alright. I know I need all my strength right now with the activities planned in the next few days. I'm so excited to get to see Chari and Benny this evening. Seeing her carrying our twins will be a treat and a special time for us tonight." 

I point to the fasten seatbelt sign is lit in preparation to land

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I point to the fasten seatbelt sign is lit in preparation to land. I give my lovely wife a hand to her seat across from mine in the bedroom cabin. After she takes her seat, making sure her dress is neatly tucked under and beside her so it doesn't get wrinkled any further by the seat belt, always so beautiful. She looks up at me, something is not right, her eyes are vacant and cool. 

I kneel down in front of her, taking her hands in mine, "Baby, are you alright? I am deeply concerned about you. Tell me what's weighing so heavy on your mind? I love you." 

"Darling, I think I'm alright. I am just trying to figure out the logistics of our schedule for today and tomorrow. I am a little foggy, remind me why we are so busy? I seem to have forgotten some details on the agenda." Hum, she's being forgetful as I take my seat across from her. 

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