Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We return home to MPLS and both of us are busier than a one arm paper hanger. First thing, I go to the Dr. to figure out why I'm having stress-related stomach problems. She did a battery of tests, blood work showed a little elevated white blood count and anemia. A full body scan was done but will take a week to 10 days to get the full reading and results. The Dr. thinks it's all stress related and prescribed me Nexium to take daily in hopes to avert any further nausea episodes. I continued my online classes to get recertification of my teaching certificate. My husband is busy with the release of a couple new albums and a new protege. He wants the work distraction for a while to keep his mind off of all the worries about the babies. Burying himself in work is what he knows best to do. Preliminary blood tests on the twins come back clear, A-OK for any genetic problems. All of us were very happy to hear that.

The online course is going well. I have to go in one night a week for face to face class along with course review. Since my original teaching certificate has my maiden name on it, I went with that for the coursework. Karen G. Neal is what they know me as in class even though I changed my name legally when we married, Gigi Neal Nelson. The class is less than an hour, about 50 minutes on Tuesday night. There is only a hand full of students like myself getting recertification. This course is only offered one quarter a year, the first quarter in the fall, so I lucked out getting into this one or I would have to wait until next year to apply. 

Usually not much is going on around us and Paisley on Tuesday nights. When I get home at about 8:00, we have dinner, talk and relax before bedtime. I should say before the fun and games. This week a fellow classmate struck up a conversation with me walking on the way to the parking lot. He is retired from a privately held information technology business and is getting his certificate reinstated to substitute teach to fill his spare time. 

He's in his mid 50's and kept asking me what I was going to do with my certificate. I tried to be evasive but he wouldn't let it drop, relentlessly inquiring where I planned to teach. So, I said as a matter of fact, "I got a tip from an inside source, Prince is opening Paisley Park as a music school... thought I would apply to teach piano classes." I couldn't help myself screwing with him like that, but I was telling the truth, sorta-kinda. 

He quipped back, "Why would a genius like Prince need to hire any other teachers if he really is going to make Paisley Park a musical school?" I countered back, "Never hurts to be prepared." Finally, we arrive at the parking lot and thank goodness I drove the Cadillac, not the Bentley or the Prowler. I tell him I'll see him next week as I quickly hop in the car. 

On the way home, I can't help but notice an SUV following me close, a little too close for comfort. I took a few extra turns, yep that confirmed I'm being followed. This is probably my classmate spying to see where I live. If I pull into Paisley, the jig's up. I can't go to the house, then he will know where we live. Plan B, go to the Chanhassen police station. 

I'm not scared, I just wanted to keep my anonymity and privacy. When I pull into the police station, he swerves around me and speeds off, fast. Still, I don't want to take any chances, I get out of the car and go in. The desk Sergeant recognized me immediately, "Mrs. Nelson, how can I help you? What seems to be the problem?" I tell him about the classmate and asked for an escort to Paisley. They insist on me riding in a cruiser with another officer driving my car. Whatever, it works for me. 

On the drive back, I call Paisley, Patrick was still there and answers the phone. He informed me my husband was in the studio with the new protege he took on(this one will be his last) with a do not disturb order. Patrick offered he will meet me at the door. I tell the officer diving me the gate code to get into the parking lot at Paisley. We arrive with no evidence of the SUV following us at this point. The officers reassure me I am safe and I thank them for their assistance. They escort me, one on either side, to the front door where Patrick is waiting for me. 

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