Chapter 24

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We end up taking the black Bentley instead of the SUV. It's more comfortable and he likes driving it better than a big vehicle. Still, no snow but some's predicted later this week. It's so bitter cold, usually, it doesn't snow when the temperatures are this low. The warm up later this week will bring the white fluffy stuff. We get all situated in the car and head out to the tree farm, Detrick's. 

He's smiling so big and wide, zealous to be taking me to do this. "Are you excited to see the trees? I hope you like one of them." It feels so good to celebrate the Christmas holiday in style and like everyone else. Never in a million years did I think he, of all people, would be taking me to buy a real Christmas tree. May wonders never cease. 

I put my hand on his resting on the gear shift. "Darling, this fills me with so much joyful happiness to enjoy the holiday season with you. You have no idea how much I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday." 

"Baby, you showed me how to make Christmas fun and enjoyable last year. I thoroughly loved Christmas with you more than I ever have in my adult life. Now with kids, we have to make it fun for them too. After all, Christmas is all about the children." I cock my head to the side, carefully thinking about how to answer that. 

Soft and sweet, "No Sweetheart, Christmas is for everyone, it's about celebrating with family and friends. Yes, the children make it so much more fun, but it's not just for them. It's a time of year to celebrate the birth of Christ with everyone in the spirit of the season. I love decorating for it and having parties to celebrate it with our friends and family. Speaking of which, I think this would be an ideal time to tell your sister about our twins and the twins on the way? It would also be a good time of year to mend fences with her." 

The smile on his face turns quickly to sour,  gruffly, "No! I told you I would tell her after our twins are born. She is such a drama queen, we have too much going on right now getting used to our new babies. We don't need to deal with her being a hot mess, acting crazy like a fool and ruining our happiness. I don't want to and that's final." 

I grip my hand tighter on his, "Now Sweetie. That's not the way to react about this. I'm going to tell Santa on you. He's gonna put you on his naughty list." 

He lightened up, getting that sour look off his face with a smile, "I'll be naughty with you, Mama. Are you gonna tell Santa all about that?" 

I snicker, "Mr. Nelson, don't make this about me, you know what I meant." He flips his hand over catching mine in his, drawing it up to his silky soft lips. Kissing the back of my hand so gently, "Umm, would it make you happy if I tell my sister she's an auntie?" 

I smile at him, shaking my head, "It's not about me or my approval, I just think you should tell her, that's all. It might make her happy to know that you are happy. Don't be so pessimistic about it. She might need the good news to make her holidays a happy one." 

He shifts his eyes momentarily from the road to me then back again, "I have an idea. When we have our Christmas Eve dinner party, I will invite her along with her husband, Maurice, and her kids. She'll get to meet the babies then. That way we have a couple more weeks to get settled in with them. Alright?" 

I raise my eyebrows, "And?" 


"Don't act like you don't know. Are you going to tell her about our identical twins at the same time?" 

He looks at me with his side-eye, "Stoppit! I just want to know. It's totally up to you. I need to know so we don't let it slip if you are keeping that a secret from her. Everyone close to us knows. How are we gonna keep it under wraps if she's there and someone unknowingly mentions it?" 

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