Chapter 50

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Gigi POV

The kids head down the driveway as we wave to them goodbye. He puts his arm around my waist while we saunter back inside through the house. Stopping at the staircase, "Babe, are you tired and need to go up to bed?" 

I glance at my watch, "It's only 10:30, the night is young by our standards. I know you, Mr. Nelson, you're angling for the 'aftershow'." Softly he kisses my neck, just below my earlobe in my sweet spot making my throat rumble sounds he loves to hear and making me hotter than July. I absorb this peaceful moment with him on our final evening alone. 

When he stops, "Thank you, Sweetheart, for having them come over tonight. Shona let me feed Zander, it helped fill my void of our twins. It was so gracious of her to let me do that. My heart and soul feel fulfilled and at ease now. I can hardly wait until tomorrow when our twins will be back in our arms. I need to talk to you about something before we go upstairs. Let's go to the living room and sit there? I'd like some time to enjoy our Christmas tree too." 

He nods as we divert to the living room, sitting on the sofa with just the ambient lights of the tree on, "Baby, I see worry written all over your face. What's wrong? Please tell me you are okay?" 

I nod, "Yes, I'm good but I'm deeply concerned about Zander. He doesn't seem to be right. Holding him, he feels so puny and emaciated compared to our babies. Tomorrow I'm calling a lactation specialist to get her some help. I think he's not getting enough proper nutrition and is failing to thrive. He was so ravenous to nurse, I sense something about him is not healthy. I thought about our babies sometimes would slurp down their bottles in a hurry but this little guy has them all beat and acts like he's famished. Their medical care is limited to doctors at the clinic, no specialist." 

My husband winces like it's painful to hear this, "Mama, do they not have enough money to buy a good nutritious formula for him? We need to help them in any way we can. I could not bear to see that baby fail if we can them help out." 

Gulping back tears, "I bonded immediately with Shona. She's so sweet and easy going, welcoming help. I'll figure it out one way or another, don't you worry. I know our twins were born a good size, but this little guy is way too small and bony. He has no baby fat or padding like ours and his color is off. I sense something is wrong with him. I'll get to the bottom of it. She might need to come over a few times to learn a new way to feed him. I think she feels lost trying to take care of him." Shuddering to get it all out. 

"Aww Baby, help her out as much as you can. One of the reasons I invited them to our party last year was because they have no family down here. I'm not sure of the circumstances, but they are on their own." 

My lips curve up in a slight smile, "Get this, Sweetie, she seems to think I'm some kind of super mom, a natural mother. I bet she does not have a role model or anyone to show her what to do to be a good momma. I just about lost it when she was gushing about how I am naturally a good mother. But, you know, I think many times if I had carried my first baby, I would have felt the same way she does right now. I was so young and totally ill-equipped, unprepared to raise a baby at that stage of my life. Those feelings sometimes keep creeping back even now. I know I'm in a much better position at this time to raise babies than ever before but's an overwhelming feeling that's hard to shake. I will befriend her, I think we can help each other in many ways. Is that alright with you?" 

"Absolutely! You do whatever you need to do to help her. Lyron told me when you two were gone feeding him that he feels lost trying to help like he's on the outside looking in. I told him to support her as much as possible and gave him good solid advice. I also told him we would help them in any way we can. He was feeling relieved by the time you two got back to us. I think he was looking for a father figure to give him some guidance. Remember when I asked him if he knew Benny? I wasn't thinking of telling him about Chari carrying our twins, I was thinking Benny could get him some immediate studio work to support them better. I'm going to call Benny tomorrow to see if he has anything that might be something Lyron can swing. Many times there are short gigs that he could fly in, do the studio work and fly back, just a few days gone from home. He would make a lot more money doing that." 

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