Chapter 22-k_thax

Start from the beginning

Kay: I'm not feeling good, can we go ho-

I heard gasps as I fell to the ground unconscious. All I saw was darkness as my body felt limp.


Jade was 8

Jade: Mom, what was my dad like?

Amy(Jade's mom): *drinks vodka* He was tall, long, brown cornrows, brown eyes, and he was-

Jade: Black?

Amy: *slurs* Something like that. He left right after I told him I was pregnant. He told me to kill the baby, and I didn't, and he left. So I had the baby, and here we are, I'm a prostitute, and you're just a piece of nothing, and that's all you'll ever be. I bet you'll just end up pregnant at 16, just like me, and end up nothing, Just.Like.Me.

Jade: I don't want to be just like you, I want to be a teacher.

Amy: And I wanted to be a doctor, *hiccups* and you ruined that for me.

Jade: Mommy, did I really ruin your life? *in tears*

Amy: You did ruin my life! You're not going to be anything! You're just a waste of space on this earth. *slaps Jade*

Jade: Ow! Mommy, why did you hit me?

Amy: Because you should've died 8 years ago! *beats Jade*

Jade: Mommy, I'm sorry!

Amy: You got what you deserved! *stops hitting her and continues to drink*

Jade: *cries* Why do you hate me?!

My eyes opened, and everyone started to stare at me like I was crazy, which I probably was, but I didn't care. I looked at my mom and I started to cry, once again. The only thing I thought about was the look in my mom's eye. She was so young and innocent, but her mom was...a monster.

Kay: *mumbles and whispers* Why do you hate me?!

I looked over at my mom, and she backed up. She started breathing really hard and uncontrollably. I could tell she was having a mental breakdown.

Ray looked at his phone, and make another excuse for us to leave, this time it was worse than before.

Ray: I have to go somewhere, can you guys take me?

My mom and dad stole a glance at each other, then quickly nodded. I stood up, but I lost my balance once again, and fell over into darkness.


Jade was 16

Jade: Mom...I'm pregnant...

Amy stood there speechless. She looked at Connor and said nothing. She went into the kitchen, and started to laugh at her own daughter.

Jade quickly followed her into the poor excuse Amy called a home.

Jade: What was so funny?

Amy: I told you you were gonna get pregnant at 16. He's gonna leave sooner or later they always do.

Jade: No he's not! I love him just as much as he loves me, and I am not letting my child grow up without a father! I'm half way fucked up because you never let me see my father! I bet you don't really know who he is! You don't understand what it feels like to have the protective father missing from your life, because you had everything growing up: Money, love, and most importantly both parents!

Amy: *slaps Jade* They both died in a plane crash when I was 15 ok?! I had nothing to do with myself, and Jason was there to help through it all! Who knew that I would get such a slut of a daughter?

Amy grabbed her purse, and began to walk toward the door, mumbling.

Amy: I'm going to work! Bye!

Jade: Please! You don't have a real job! Being a prostitute doesn't count! You only work corners and have sex with guys for money!

That must have triggered her, because she stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned around and stomped back to Jade. She slapped her and got a firm grip on her neck.

Amy: Don't you ever talk to me like that in my house ever again! I gave birth to your sorry ass and all you do is talk down to me?! I should've killed your ass when I had the chance!

Amy stared Jade in her emerald colored eyes*That only happens when Jade is scared* for a moment then slammed her into the wall, while letting her go. Jade dropped to her knees in tears as Amy watched her pain. She grabbed a handfull of Jade's long, sandy brown hair that she obviously inherited from her father, and yanked it. She screamed, but Amy kicked her, mainly in her stomach.

Amy: I hope your baby dies...

Amy left the house, with her long, tangled blonde hair swaying down her almost bare, pale back, leaving Jade hurt on the floor.

Jade: I fucking hate you!

She threw everything in sight toward the door out of anger, as Connor rushed into the room to confort her.

Jade: I hate her! She never did anything for me but tried to kill me! I wish she wasn't my mother!

The car came to a stop in a dangerous neighbor hood. My mom started to shake and panic.

Jade: Connor, where the hell are we?! *takes a closer look as tears swell in her eyes* Why are we here?! We have to leave, now! Please, I can't go back there!

Connor: No, you two need to make peace before...

Jade: Please, I'm begging you, don't make me go back there! It was hell!

Connor: *sighs* Lets go.

Jade: I can't go in there! I swear I would not make it out alive! Please!

The way my mom pleaded made me nervous. She never begs for anything. I was just anxious as to why she didn't want to go in the place.

We all got out of the car, but my mom stayed frozen, staring blankly at the run down house we were about to enter. Ray grabbed her hand, and I grabbed his hand, and my father grabbed mine. As we slowly aproached the door, my mother's breathing was very abnormal. I was kinda worried for her, because if she was afraid, shouldn't I be?

The door swung open after my dad knocked. There was a blonde woman with blue eyes and a half empty vodka bottle in her hand that opened the door. She was wearing the sluttiest clothes ever and appeared to he in her late 40's if not, early 50's. My fake smile dropped when I realized who it really was:


What caught me by surprise, was that my mom's mother was WHITE

Totally not what I had beed expecting...

Yup, you heard me right people, Amy is WHITE, and Jason, Jade's biological father is BLACK. Sorry if I seem rascist, I just want you guys to understand that Jade is MIXED in other words, BIRACIAL. I hope you liked the Chapter, and realize the undescovered drama that's going to happen, and Jade will soon meet her birth father. Will she be happy? Find out later. ~k_thax

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