Chapter 7- Anne Marie (Edited)

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I smiled at the young female before going up and leaving. I hoped that she would be all right with leaving this place for a few months. I shook my head, silently and opened the door, spying a Demon about to knock.

"Uh..." he said, clearing his throat. "I need to talk to you, please."

Freshly turned, I thought, frowning. "All right." I closed the door and walked to my office. I could feel that he was hesitant before following me towards the office. My whole body was tense as I looked around, wondering why Lucifer had sent a Freshling to come and talk to me.

I opened the door to my office and gestured for him to go in. As he walked in, I studied him. He was kind of cute, in that nerdy way. He had brown hair that spiked up in the front. He was fairly tall, about 6'2 and had muscle.

He turned to look at me, and I could see a small dimple on his left cheek while he smiled. His eyes were black, which was the same color as any other demon.

"Sit," I said, pointing to a seat close in front of my desk, while I walked behind it and sat down in my leather seat.

The male frowned a little and sat down. He shifted in his seat and looked around, making sure that there was no one else in the room. Finally, he turned to look at me in the eye. "Lucifer sent me," he said, as if I didn't know that.

I blinked, already gathering that. However, that didn't tell me why he had been sent to me. "I gathered that, Freshling. Now, why are you here?"

The Freshling, shifted in his seat, before looking at me with black eyes, watching me as if he was trying to gather information about me. He was trying to see if he was the bigger guy or not. "He's wanting you not to search for it, nor come for him."

I raised an eyebrow and leaned forward in my seat. "And when have I listened to him? Never. I'm going to see if I can't find him and the sword."

"He said there is something darker than him, that there won't be a chance to escape certain... death."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm already dead, Freshling."

The male sighed in frustration and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's not like that," he replied. "I'm talking about that you will be dead dead. You and your... group, will be disintegrated. You will just be dust."

I frowned, slightly, looking up at him. "Are you saying that Lucifer doesn't think... highly of my abilities?" I asked. I looked him straight in the eye, challenging him. I was the bigger guy after all.

The male gulped a little. He glanced down, gathering that I was the bigger person here. "That is not what I'm saying," he said. "He does, but since your father is his... buddy, he thought it'd be best to warn you about this unforbidden doom, if you leave this place. Not  only will you have the angels at you, but some demons will try and stop you. They will be wanting this darker power to control the world."

I stood up and placed my hands on my mahogany desk and leaned forward, staring him hard in the eyes. "They don't scare me," I said, my voice hard and cold. "We're leaving today, and we're going to find the sword. Lucifer's still at Panama Beach with my father, right?"

Freshling gulped and nodded his head, while the wind had picked up in the room. He glanced around, confused on where the wind was coming from. "Y-yes," he said, looking back at me. "Shall I tell him that you are coming?"

I nodded my head. "And tell him if he tries to leave, then I will hurt him severely. He knows what I can do. He also knows that he doesn't scare me, even if he is mad."

Freshling nodded his head. "Yes, Ma'am." With that, he stood and nodded his head in goodbye, towards me. "I want to wish you luck." With that, he left, disappearing as if he was nothing more than smoke.

I sighed and shook my head. "This is going to get us really deep isn't it?" I asked, running my hand through my hair, before leaning back into my seat.

I knew that the group wouldn't have a problem with the angels and that the fallen would help us out, but the rest of them, I knew would be hunting us. Our best bet was to collect the sword before we got hurt or killed. Hopefully, neither will happen, and we could go back to the way that everything had been before this.

I snorted a little, knowing that we would not be the same after this trip. Something would have had changed within us, and I was sure that I would be changing the most.

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