Chapter 11- Damion (Edited)

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The car sped up fast, causing me to grunt but not make any other noise. I kept my eyes closed while I started to feel the Raven start to light up in warning. I knew that we were close to the border by the fact that Anne Marie had slowed down a bit.

"Ready?" she asked, a bit of doubt in her voice.

"Just drive all ready," I snapped. "I want to see this "father" of yours." I smirked when I heard her scoff and slam on the gas pedal. Wind blew through the windows, and I knew that she was going way past the speed limit.

My back flared, sending another warning signal to any other Angel in the area that I was out of my designated area.

I could hear Lilly's whimper and Matthew's hiss of pain. I just gritted my teeth together and tensed, waiting for the push that I knew was going to follow.

My back flared up one last time before it stopped, indicating that we were past the barrier. I groaned in pain when Anne slammed on the brakes and pull the car to the side. "Really?" I asked annoyed, opening my eyes. I sat up and looked to see that Anne was clutching onto the steering wheel, a look of pain on her face. "Anne?" I asked, slightly worried for my boss.

Anne turned to look at me, her gray eyes dark as storm clouds. Pain filled her cold demeanor, and I was sure that she had gotten the worst of it. "I'm fine," she said, her voice cracking at the pain. She took a deep breath and got the car back on the road. "Come on, let's get to Panama."


"Can't we stop and go get something to eat?" I complained for the millionth time in the past six hours. I couldn't help but smirk when I heard an inhuman hiss come from Anne. "Come on, Annie," I purred, using the nickname that Gabriel had given her.

There was a screeching of tires and then some honking while Anne had stopped in the middle of the road.

I groaned when I hit my head on the seat in front of me and opened my eyes to see Anne looking at me, fire burning in her gray eyes. I smirked, loving it when Anne gets mad and dangerous.

"You will be quiet, Damion," she warned. "I will take the air out of your lungs again."

I shuddered, because I knew that she would do it. No, I wasn't in love with Anne. After the one that I had cherished was turn-

I shook my head, not wanting myself to go down that road. I didn't want to remember the love of my life being turned and how I almost was turned as well.

Anne sighed and started driving again, probably knowing what I was thinking. She smirked when I scowled at her. "I can't help it," she said. "We are stopping at a gas station. You can go get food there."

"What is this silent conversation?" Gabriel asked, sounding jealous. I snickered, earning a glare from the Archangel himself.

"I can read people's mind sometimes," Anne replied, shrugging her shoulder. She pulled into a gas station and sighed. "Make it quick and easy," she added. She glanced at Gabriel. "Since you haven't been a Fallen for a long time, I don't think you'll need anything."

Gabriel nodded and frowned. He didn't say a thing while he pressed the button on the seat belt before opening the door.

"Everyone out," Anne said, opening the door. She got out and stood before starting to get the gas for the car. "Damion, watch Gabriel."

I groaned and got out of the car, following Lilly and Matthew. "Do I have to?" I scoffed when she sent me a look. "Fine, but you are buying for food."

She smirked. "Don't I always?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I looked at Gabriel. "Let's go." With that, I turned away and walked to the entrance. I heard Gabriel mutter about how he hated being stuck with me, and I couldn't help but smirk. Don't worry, I thought. I hate this more than you.  

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