Chapter 20- Gabriel (Edited)

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I glared at this male, Mercer's, back. The Demon was too close to Annie, and I couldn't help but feel as if he would take her away from me. I hate to admit to myself that I was head over heels in love with her, and I hoped that I would never have to let her go.

Unfortunately, I knew that I must let her because I had my job to do. I knew, well prayed, that after I got the Sword of Amara back from the Demons, I would be back in Heaven and be His messenger again.

"And your Arch loves you," the Demon said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I blinked a couple of times to see that both the Demon and Annie were looking at me. "What?" I asked, seeing the blush on Annie's face. "What'd I do?"

"It's what you didn't do, Lover Boy," Damion replied, smirking. "You didn't claim her as yours."

"Damion," Annie warned before she looked at me. "Don't worry about it," she assured. "They are just being assholes."

"We are not," Mercer said. "We are stating the mere facts that you love to hide." He smirked at her before looking at me. "I am not going to take her away from you, Archie. She is too pure for my taste." He shuddered as if there had been some joke between them.

"I'll show you too pure," Annie muttered under her breath, barely loud enough for us to hear. She stiffened and looked around, hearing something. "Did you hear that?" she asked, sounding rather worried.

Mercer stopped, creating all of us to stop behind him just so that we didn't run into him. He looked around, his whole body tense. "We have to run," he yelled. "Like now!" He started to run fast, causing everyone to follow him quickly.

I looked around and frowned when I didn't spy Annie with him. Where did she go? I thought, feeling worried that she had been captured. Anger surged through me because he didn't even seem to notice that she had disappeared. He wasn't even going to do anything and try to find her. What type of friend does that?

"Gabriel," a soft voice said. The person touched me, and I couldn't help but shudder because of the touch.

I turned to look to see that Annie was beside me, and my anger disappeared as if I had never been angry.

"I am fine. I just had to do... something." She looked away from me, and I couldn't help but feel upset that she wasn't going to tell me what she had to do. "It was nothing dangerous," she assured me. She smirked before turning to look behind her and hissed.

I turned to look back as well and saw that there were Hunters behind us. "Crap," I cursed, knowing full well that we were in trouble now.

"Shit," Mercer said and stopped in front of us.

I turned around to see Demons in front of us as well. I stopped and pulled Annie to a stop before taking a step in front of her. I bit back a growl when she moved to my side and didn't stay behind me.

"Ranaldo," Annie hissed, glaring at the male in front of us. The wind picked up, and I could feel a storm about to brew because of this male in front of us. But, the question was who was he, and how did he know Anne?

"Hello, Anne Marie," the male said, grinning wickedly.   

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