Chapter 30- Anne Marie

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Darkness. That was the one thing that had greeted me when I had gone into the swirling tornado. The wind tried to push me out, but it took all of my strength and power to keep me in the swirling death trap.

I made my way to the bottom of the tornado where everything started to brighten and become lighter. I kept my scythe close to my body as I touched the ground to see two men staring at me.

"Ah, so this the infamous Anne Marie that you have told me about," the man in the throne said, ignoring Ranaldo who was holding the sword. "I should have known that you would find a way down here."

"And, you should know why I am here," I said, taking a step forward. "Hand it over, Ranaldo."

Ranaldo snorted and sneered. "No," he said. "Did you really think that would work?"

"Of course not," I said, sarcastically. "Not when you tortured my ass and tried to break my spirit."

"And, he failed?" the male asked, leaning back in his seat. He placed his arms on the armrest and clasped his hands together.  He was interested in me; I could tell by the way the Demon was looking me up and down. "You know who I am, don't you?"

"Azarak," I replied. "The highest Evolutionary Demon out there." I took another step forward. "Said to be the scariest Evolutionary Demon out there, but I don't think so."

The Demon snorted and raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" he asked. "You do realize what I can do."

"I do," I confirmed. "You do realize the shit I have been through. Correct?"

"I am aware," he confirmed. He signaled Ranaldo to back away as he stood. He towered over my 5'8 form, standing at 11'8. His dark brown eyes glowed black, causing him to have this sinister look. "I have met people like you before," he said, walking around me.

"Oh?" I asked, keeping an eye on him. I stayed facing forward, my whole body ready to defend or attack whatever was coming at me. I didn't trust Ranaldo to stay out of this, knowing full well that he didn't like me.

"I have," he confirmed. "They were brave, fearless warriors, the greatest Angels of all time."

"Were they Fallen?"

"Well, no," Azarak said. "Does that make a difference?"

I stayed silent as he paused in front of me. I lifted my head in defiance, meeting the taller man's hard gaze face on.

I felt like David versus Goliath, standing in his shadows. I had no faith that He would protect me, but I knew that He wouldn't want all of his children to die. I didn't have a future besides being a Fallen, and that made me dangerous. I had no fear of death or losing what I had made.

Azarak sneered. "Yes, you are like them," he said. "And, I made them shake in their boots. Their God, and yours, didn't protect them. They didn't have the strength to defeat me."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "I don't count him as my God. I follow no orders, remember?"

Azarak raised an eyebrow. "And yet, you are an Angel."

"Whose made deals with the Devil and has a price on her head," I said. "Try again."

Azarak raised his eyebrow higher. He snorted and walked around me again. "Impressive," he said, looking me up and down. "You know, I could use a girl like you."

I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "I am worse than the Devil himself, are you sure can handle a girl like me?"

"You got spirit," he replied. "It can be broken."

"By... what? Torture? That didn't work out too well with Ranaldo. You can ask him." I gestured to the man who was still kneeling down, holding the sword with my scythe. "He still doesn't have his daughter, the one thing that he wants."

"Killing your friends could work. Like... a certain ArchAngel?"

I shrugged. "You'd kill him anyways as well as the other elemental Angels. Try again."

Azarak narrowed his eyes. He picked me up by the scruff of my shirt and pulled me to his eye level. "Living your worst fear?"

I shrugged, keeping the hold on my scythe tighter. A plan had formed in my brain, and I couldn't help but hope that it worked. "Happened many times beforehand. If you do that, make sure that you change it up a bit. It gets quite old really fast."

Azarak narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. "Ok, then how can I break you?"

"You can't," I said. I sneered, my eyes flashing a lighter gray. "You can't break something that has already been broken. You cannot break something that was torn from a life that she thought she knew. You can not break something that has put herself back together time and time again, hardening her heart against everything that matters or used to matter to her. You cannot break something that doesn't want to be broken."

Azarak widened a bit. A look of uncertainty passed through his eyes because he was seeing a true warrior. He was seeing someone that could defeat him and have the means to do it.

I smirked. "But you," I said. "You can be broken. You can be killed. You have no power against me, against anyone. You have fear and hopelessness. You have something to lose."

"And that is?" Azarak asked. Uncertainty filled his voice, and I could see a look of fear on his face. He knew that I wasn't joking. He knew how dangerous, how powerful, I was, and he was getting a taste of it firsthand.

"Your life." And with that, I cut off his hand using the scythe. As he hollered out in pain, I threw the scythe at Ranaldo, flying away from the angered Evolutionary Demon.

Using my power over wind, I called the Sword of Amara to me, dodging Azarak as he tried to capture me. As soon as I grabbed the Sword of Amara, I turned towards Azarak ready for blood, his blood. And with a loud battle cry, I charged at the Demon, stabbing him straight through the heart.

Azarak looked at me in shock and fear before looking at the gaping hole in his chest. He opened his mouth to say something but that didn't happen as he fell over, capturing me in the process.

I couldn't scream, couldn't move as his whole body fell on mine. My head hit the concrete floor below us, and everything turned black.

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