Wonderful Man ❤️

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At Nanna's house !
John and Nikki are walking in and Brie noticed that it was just them and David wasn't with them !
Brie: How did it go ?
Nikki: I don't know !
Randy: What do you mean you don't know ?
John: We told him everything and well he just needed time he got up and left !
Brie: Oh I'm sorry !
Nikki: It's okay it's almost night time so if he doesn't come back by the time it's dark John and Randy should go look for him !
Randy: Yeah of course we will !
John: Babe it's going to be fine he said it himself he just needed time !
Nikki: Yeah I know ! Where's Kat ?
Brie: She's with Nanna they went to see mom !
John: Did Nanna drive ?
Randy: No JJ came for them a while ago !
Nikki: Okay ! I'm going to go lay down I feel like Im getting a headache !
John: Okay I'll wake you up if he comes back or if me and Randy have to go look for him !
Nikki: Okay !
Hours later !
Brie: Nicole wake up !
She opens her eyes and shoots up
Nikki: Is he here ?
Brie: No John and Randy just left to go look for him !
Nikki: Ugh maybe we shouldn't have told him !
Brie: You had to because sooner or later he would have figured it out !
Nikki: I know !
With John and Randy !
John: Where could he be ?
Randy: Don't you have a tracker on his phone ?
John: Yeah but he turned off his phone !
Randy: Does he have favorite place you know somewhere you use to take him go when he was a kid ?
John: Yeah the park where I taught him how to play baseball and football !
Randy: Let's go !
They head to the park and sure enough he was there !
John: Let me talk to him !
Randy: Alright I'll wait here !
He nods and walks over to him! And places his hand on his shoulder !
John: Hey !
David: Looks like you found me !
John: Well yeah ! Your mom was worried ! So I kind of had to !
David: Had to ?
John: Yeah see your mom doesn't know it yet but your a man !
David: You think so ?
John: No I know ! See if you were a kid you would have had a temper tantrum and you would have yelled at your mother ! But no you analyzed the situation and backed away you needed time to yourself we respected that ! But now it's late son and your mother was worried it's time to talk about it !
David: I just don't understand !
John shook his head and sat down next to him !
John: It's a long complicated story and your mother has to be the one to tell you the truth ! And I discussed this with her on our way home ! So come on this is a conversation the 3 of us should have !
David: Okay !
John: Come on uncle Randy is in the car !
They get up and drive home ! When they get home Nikki runs to David and hugs him !
Nikki: Are you okay sweetie ?
David: Yeah I am mom ! I'm sorry to have made you worry !
Nikki: It's okay ! You're home now that's all that matters !
He hugged her back and they sat at the table !
David: Dad said you were going to tell me something ?
Nikki: Yeah come sit !
They all sit in the living room !
David: What is it ?
Nikki: Sweetie when I said your father died in the car accident I didn't lie ! But the thing is that.....
She started crying and couldn't contain herself !
John: It's okay sweetie !
Brie: If you want we can continue ?
Nikki just nodded yes !
John: Son your father was murdered !
David: What ?
Brie: This man knew what he was doing that night because he was in love with your mom !
Randy: He planned the whole thing out !
Nikki: He crashed into his side ! To make sure he would die but not me ! He killed him ! And I've hated him for years and I know I shouldn't because I teach you not to hold grudges and to forgive ! Because it brings you peace ! But I can't ! Because of him you were born without your real father ! He took your fathers life denying him the ability to watch you grow to hear your first words ! Walk,run ! Everything he took that from him ! And the worst part is he didn't even care !
David: Where is this man ?
Nikki: Behind bars for the rest of his life !
David: Mom can you do me a favor ?
Nikki: What is it sweetie ?
David: Forgive him !
Nikki: Why ? No I can't !
David: Please mom ! Do it for me ! Because yes because of him I don't have my real dad ! But I have a dad !
He said as she stood next to John !
David: A man who stood by you no matter what and a man who stayed here and raised me as if I was his own ! He loved me as if I was his own and I thank you for that I will always have respect for my father but John Cena will always be my dad ! And I love you !
John: I love you too son !
They hugged and Nikki cried and hugged them too.....

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن