Not Fair

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Still in the court room !

Judge: Someone please get a hold of him !

The judge said when Alex went running towards Nicole by luckily police men stopped him on time !

Nikki: Can I please just finish with this I don't feel safe up here with him just staring at me !

Judge: Yes please just finish your declaration and you can get off the stand !

Nikki: Thank you ! As I was saying he started hitting me and beating me and that's when he told me if you leave me I'll kill John the same way I killed David ! So that's why for 8 months I dealt with him hitting me and insulting me and his threats of killing not only John but me and my child as well I have a video of one time he started yelling at me and he told me that he would find John bring him to me and kill him in front of me then he would kill my baby in front of me then he would end my life ! So that night when he had that knife I was like do it put me out of my misery I would rather be dead then have to deal with you any longer ! Thankfully at that moment John and Randy came in and Randy snuck in through the window hit Alex San that's when Alex let me or well I was out of his reach so I escaped the next day I gave birth !

Judge: Okay thank you ! You may leave the stand !

She gets up and goes back to sit down with John and John hands her David !

Hours later !

Judge: I'm sorry to say that I can't charge him on murder because he had declared not guilty and there isn't enough evidence and those videos he says he lied he wasn't going to do anything ! I sentence him to two years in prison for abusing you while pregnant and he will have a restraining order so he can't get anywhere near you !

Nikki: No this isn't fair he has to pay for what he did to my sons father he has to pay for killing David !

Alex then got up and John held Nikki back !

Alex: Can I make bail ?

Judge: Yes your bail is at 10,000 !

Alex: I'll pay it !

Nikki got up with baby David and started exiting the court room !

Judge: Ms. Garcia where are you going ?

Nikki: I'm leaving I can't stand being with a judge who is letting a murder run free ! I hope nothing happens to my or my child because that will be on your head not mine !

She said as she got out of the room and John followed

John: Are you okay ?

Nikki: No ! He killed him I know he did ! He didn't just say it to threaten me or to scare me I know he means it !

John: I believe you !

Nikki: John I'm scared ! Not only for me and baby David but for you ! And anyone close to me ! He will hurt me in any way he can if not physically then emotionally !

John: Listen to me ! I will not let anything happen to you or to your son !

Nikki: Our son John ! You have proved to me that you are an amazing father ! You've helped me with baby David so much these last 3 months that's it's our son ! No just mine !

John: I love you ! And I love our son !

Nikki: I love my boys !

She said kissing baby David's cheeks the leaning up to kiss Johns lips !

Then David's family came out with the lawyers !

Attorney: I am sorry Nicole but there's nothing more I could do !

Nikki: It's fine ! It's not your fault ! It's that judge ! Anyways we will find a way to make sure he's charged with the murder of David !

Nikki: Thank you !

He left then David's parents came up to them !

(David's parents Annie and Chris !)

Annie: Don't worry sweetie we will find a way to make him pay for his death !

Nikki: I know even if it's the last thing I do !

Chris: Hey why don't you and John go out for dinner ! And we can take care of our grandson !

Nikki: Umm I don't know I haven't been away from my baby since he's been born !

Annie: And that's why you two should have some alone time ! Now don't worry we will take good care of him and you can come pick him up later tonight or early tomorrow morning !

Nikki: Okay besides your right I think John deserves a night of my full and undivided attention !

Chris: Yes he does ! Now go on and come for him tomorrow morning okay ?

Nikki: Okay thank you so much !

Annie: No problem sweetie besides they say that Alex would be behind bars until next week when he made bail !

Nikki: That puts my mind at ease !

Chris: Go have fun !

She hugs them and John and Nikki leave to their hotel !

John: So why did you leave David with them ?

Nikki: Because baby it's our date night and I have a few plans for is that don't necessarily involve us being outsides !

She said as she blew in his ear and made her way to the bathroom !

John: Well looks like a good night ahead of us.....

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