All Mine ❤️

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Nikki's Pov

It's been 3 months and a lot has changed since Alex has come back !

Guess who's a new WWE super star ? Alex ! And guess who helped him get the job ? No other than my boyfriend ! How could he or why is he doing this any time her can he reminds me that it's totally fine if I want to leave him and go back to Alex ! No there's no way I'm doing that I love John to much to leave him ! I just don't get this and I plan on getting to the bottom of this !

Nikki: Hey when's your match ?

John: Main Event !

Nikki: Good then you have time to come and sit down with me !

John: Yeah what's up !

Nikki: Not here let's go somewhere private !

John: Okay come on !

They walk to somewhere private not knowing that Alex was following !

John: So what's up ?

Nikki: That's what I want to know !

John: What do you mean ?

Nikki: What's going on with you why do you keep reminding me that if I want I can go back to Alex ?

John: Because I just want you to know that you can and I won't be mad !

Nikki: Is this really about me ? Or does this have to do with you ?

John: It's about you what do you think I really want ?

Nikki: I don't know John it just makes me think that you don't want to be with me anymore !

John: Nicole that's not true !

Nikki: Well it feels that way !

John: Nicole I love you !

Nikki: Then why do you keep saying you would let me go ? If you really loved me you would sit me down and say Nicole you can't hang around Alex you can't talk to him see him or even think about him John I want you to tell me that you forbid me to be near him !

John: For what you say I can't control you ?

Nikki: Yes but I would listen to you I would stay away because I love you and I don't want to leave you !

John: I don't either

Nikki: Then why do you keep saying this to me why cant we just leave that alone ?

John: Because I'm afraid !

Nikki: Of ?

John: You one day waking up and thinking I'm not the one you want that you will leave me and go to him that's why I'm saying right here right now if you want to go ! That way I got to say I let you go not that I lost you !

Nikki looked and shook her head now she knew what this was all about !

Nikki: So this is about you and you're pride ?

John: No this is about me not being able to love another woman as much as I love you and having to say that I let you go instead of that I lost you would make me feel better at night it would help me sleep to know that you're happy even though I might never be !

Nikki: John I don't think I could be happy with someone that's not you ! I love you so much it hurts me to be away from you I miss you like crazy when you're gone just for one day how do you think I would feel not getting to cuddle next to you at night getting to kiss you at random times getting to say I love you !!

John: Nicole.....

Nikki: John let me ask you something do you remember what you asked me to do 2 months ago right ?

John: Yes I do !

Nikki: And what was that ?

John: That you stopped taking your birth control !

Nikki: Okay and did I ?

John: Yes !

Nikki: And tell me why did I do it ? Or better yet why did you asks me ?

John: Because I love you and I want a little Nicole ! Or you a little John !

Nikki: Then why do you keep pushing the idea of me even going back to him ! I want to have a baby with you and I'm willing to do it so why would I try to get pregnant then leave with another man !

John: I know but....

Nikki: But nothing John do you remember the first time I ever slept at you're house in your bed even before you asked me to be your girlfriend ? That little heated make out session that tuned into much more ?

John: Yes I remember it very well !

Nikki: Do you remember what you said to me that night ?

John: That I wanted you and only you !

Nikki: John I want you and only you no one else ! Remember no one can make you feel the way I do ! Remember that night I said that to you ?

John: Yes the night you saw me kissing Eve and I got jealous because you went to dinner with Cody then I found out it was only as friends because you were helping him !

Nikki: Just like me no one can make me feel the way you do ! Now please promise me something !

John: What ?

Nikki: You'll stop saying I can leave you for Alex ! If you keep this up I will leave but it won't be for Alex !

John: Oh then who ?

Nikki: Well Trey is recently single and so is David ! Ooh Cesaro isn't bad looking and neither is Alberto nor Sheamus !

John: Hey no !! You're mine and only mine ! All mine !!

Nikki jumped on him and kissed him !! As she wrapped her legs around his waist and him pushing her against the wall ! ❤️

Nikki: And that's exactly what I wanted to hear ! I'm yours and you're mine ! All mine !! ❤️❤️

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz