In Motion ❤️

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Johns Pov

I thought it was weird that Alex wanted to have lunch with me and I wanted to talk about it with Nicole but I also had to get through this meeting with Paul hopefully it's good news I mean with me it's almost always amazing new and opportunities !

He goes and knocks on the door !

Paul: Come in

He walks in

John: Hey I'm here !

Paul: John great come in have a seat !

They sit down !

John: So what's up ?

Paul: We want you to be in the Marine 4 with Summer Rae ! Mike unexpectedly just quit on us

John: Oh wow but that would mean I would have to be gone for almost a year !

Paul: Yeah I don't need and answer now but I would like it soon ! If you choose to do it ! You leave in a month !

John: Why did they choose me ?

Paul: They loved you so much in the first one why not being you back ?

John: Haha yeah I guess okay thanks !

They shake hands then he leaves to find Nicole on the bus waiting for him in bed he thought why not talk to her about it tomorrow he kissed her and they made love through the night !

The next day at lunch with John and Alex !

John: So what is it you wanted to talk about ?

Alex: It's about Nicole !

John: What about her ?

Alex: I want to ask you to leave her !

John: Why I love her and she loves me ?

Alex: I know but if I tell you something you promise you won't tell her ?

John: Okay ?

Alex: The other day I was walking around the arena and I heard her talking to Brie about me and call me a snoop but I listened !

John: And ?

Alex: She said she didn't know how she felt about you since I came back because her feelings are all scrambled up !

John: She said that ?

Alex: Yeah she said that she sees me and her heart skips a bit but she knows she loves you too she just doesn't know what to do !

John: Okay so you want me to leave her ?

Alex: Yes I want to show her that I could make her fall in love again I want to show her that I still love her that we can go back to the way we were before this happened before I broke up with her please just give me some time and if I can't succeed in a year you can have her back I'll leave well I won't leave the WWE but I will leave her alone !

John thought about it for a while then came to once conclusion !

John: Fine but you have to give me one month ! At then end of next month I'll break up with her !

Alex: Really ?

John: Yes ! Is that all ?

Alex: Yes that's it thank you so much!

John: But I promise you , you won't get what you want ! She will always be mine because I know her all to well !

He got up and left

Alex's Pov

That's what you think Cena !!

Then someone taps his shoulder !

Summer: You know why he said yes right ?

Alex: Yup now all you have to do is get him alone and make sure someone is around to take a picture of you guys kissing so I can show Nicole after he breaks up with her !

Summer: And you know you're a good lier Nikki never said those things !

Alex: Pretty and smart ! Maybe there's a chance for you !

Summer: Oh shut up !

She gets up and leaves !

That day !

Nikki: Baby what's wrong you seem distracted !

John: Nothing I'm just thinking about how much I love you !

He said as he pulled her into his lap ! And kissed her !

Nikki: Aww I love you too never forget that baby !

John: What do you want to do today ?

Nikki: I don't know just lay here with you its all I need !

John: Yeah but I want to go out let's go do something !

Nikki: We can go bowling ! Or go carting ?

John: Okay why don't you invite Cody and JoJo make it a double date ?

Nikki: That sounds awesome why not triple and invite Brie and Randy I know how you are around Cody it's awkward don't try to hide it but the three of you always end up having fun !

John: Okay you do that and I'm going to take a quick shower !

Nikki: Okay baby !

She kisses him and runs off to call the girls !!

Alex's Pov

Now everything's in place ! I will make Nicole mine !

Johns Pov

I know he won't convince her but I have that doubt in me as well !

He calls someone

Paul: Hello !

John: I'll do it just please don't tell anyone ! Just that people that need to know no one else !

Paul: Great you leave at the end of next month !

John: Great.....

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)Where stories live. Discover now