Finally Free ❤️

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Hospital ❤️

After 13 hours of labor and with the help of John ! Nicole delivered a healthy strong baby boy who she named David Jr. McGuire Cena ❤️ John walks into the room to find Nicole sleeping and little baby David next to her in the hospital crib !

John: Hi there little buddy ! Oh you're so precious ! You're dad would have loved to see you ! But I'm sure he's watching you from up above !

Nikki woke up and heard everything John said to baby David !

Nikki: You're so cute with him !

John: It's hard not to he's precious and he looks a lot like David !

Nikki: I know my little peace of him forever with me !

She said looking at her baby with such love and care !

John: I guess this goes to show that you were meant to be with David forever ! But it's this baby David !

Nikki: Yeah I guess !

The two police men came in !

Officer 1: Hello Ms. Garcia I know this may be a bad time but we need you to make a report and a statement so we can retain Alex under custody !

Nikki: I understand but can you call in a nurse and have them remove my baby I don't want him in the room for this !

Officer 2: Of course ! We will be back

She nods and they walk out and Nicole let's out a deep sigh !

John: Nicole you haven't told me what's going on !

Nikki: You'll know everything when they come back in I promise !

John: Okay !

After a few minutes a nurse comes back in and takes baby David !

Officer1: Okay so tell us when did this all start !

Nikki signed and began to talk !

Nikki: It started about 8 months ago when I was in our Tampa house in Florida ! He came in and started kissing me and I accidentally moaned out Johns name ! He's my boyfriend ! And we'll he slapped me and I was hurt I told him that I didn't want to be with him because I loved John because at the time I was with Alex but me and John talked and worked things out and well we got back together and that's what I told Alex then he started yelling at me saying no you're mine I reached for my phone and tried to call police but he grabbed my phone and smashed it against the wall ! He threw me to the floor and started punching me and slapping me

She said as she began to cry !

Nikki: I'm very blessed that I didn't loose my baby and then he told me the most horrible thing that I could ever here !

She said as she cried more and more !

Officer2: Please try to relax and continue !

She nodded and staged talking again !

Nikki: He told me if you leave me I will kill John the same way I killed David ! My baby's father ! And I was so scared I yelled at him to get out of the house but he picked me up slapped me again and threw me on the bed and tied me up ! He said if I told anyone that he had killed David he would find John and bring him and kill him in front of me then my baby and then me !

She cried again !

Nikki: So for 8 months I dealt with both his physical and verbal abuse telling me that he would kill me for any little thing I did wrong ! He would sneak off and be with another woman which honestly that I don't care about I'm just happy he wouldn't touch me ! He would lock me in my San Diego house when he would leave so I wouldn't go anywhere ! When he was gone and someone dropped by unexpectedly I would have to pretend I was sleeping or not home because I had no way of getting out ! For months I feared for me and my child's life ! He also threaten to kill my baby if I didn't name him Alex which is something I apposed to very strongly to because I wasn't going to name my son after a murder and I just couldn't take it anymore so tonight when he said he was going to kill me I told him to do it to put me out of my misery ! Because I couldn't take another second of being beaten and insulted and having my baby be called a bastard by the man who killed his father ! I thank god John and Randy came in when they did because I fear what would have been of me and my baby if they hadn't !

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum