I Think I Want To Marry You ❤️

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Nikki's Pov !

Thanks to Josh we were able to detain Alex behind bars forever ! The evidence he gave me was enough ! We found where he dumped the Ferrari and the man told us he still had the bumper with blood ! And the registration was under Ambers name ! The blood being David's of course ! So now I don't fear for my life nor my sons or anyone else I love !

Nikki: I'm so much more relieved that he got sentence to life in prison !
John: I know now you can sleep better at night !!
Nikki: We can ! I know you get up many times in the middle of the night to check on me ! And on the baby ! And I love you for that !
John: I just get scared at night I fear something would happen to you !
Nikki: No more ! He's behind bars now ! Come on get some sleep !
John: Yes because tomorrow we have a fun day ahead of us !
Nikki: I'm so excited we're going on our first family vacation with David ! And I can't believe he's almost 6 months my baby is getting so big !
John: I know he's growing up to look just like his father !
Nikki: You know he has your blue eyes we'll because your eyes and David's were practically the same !
John: I know I'm happy you chose me to be his father figure !
Nikki: I honestly couldn't have picked anyone better !

They kiss and sleep !

The next day they get up and head to Hawaii for their first family vacation !

Nikki: Okay what do you want to do first ?
John: Let's take David to the beach ? It will be his first time as well !
Nikki: Okay let me change him meanwhile can you look for the sunscreen ?
John: Yeah it should be in his carry on right ?
Nikki: Yeah if not my check mine !
John: Okay !

After they get ready they head to the beach where they put David in the water and he starts screaming in excitement and joy !

A few days later it's the last day in hawed and they decided to go to Disneyland ! David's first time ! It very special it was they were with all the Disney characters and John got down on one knee.

John: I love you more that words can ever begin to describe I never ! Ever in my life want to spend a day without your or baby David ! Who I look as a son ! I promise to make both of you happy as long as I am alive and breathing Stephanie Nicole Garcia Colace will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me ?

Nikki was crying at this point and after wiping away her tears she said !

Nikki: Of course I'll marry you ! You fool !

He gets up and pulls her in for a passionate kiss and David is watching from his stroller clapping along worn the Disney characters and the people watching them !

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin