"Yes, I dont want to eat." She answered averting her eyes when the sharpeness of his eyes started started unnerving her making it hard to keep eye contact.

He grabbed her chin and made her look into his eyes,"and why is that so?" His voice was slowly losing edge but his demeanor stayed the same, brash.

Skye simply ignored his question and tried to pull his hand away from her chin, trying to pry his finger off but his other hand grab her hand, tightening his hold on her chin that prevented her to look anywhere but at him,"I asked you something, my beautiful goddess." The lilt in his voice promised danger making her aware of his Male presence, making her alert and conscious.

"I will not accept food unless I'm informed of Leon's condition, milord. " she declared gathering courage inside her forcefully.

His posture grew tense as his hand jerked hers forward making her fall ahead on his stoic body eliciting a gasp from her lips," that boy is of no concern to you anymore and you will no longer dare to utter his name. Do I make myself clear?" His voice hardened with each word unsettling her and she started squirming to escape his stoney grip which he didn't allow.

"You can not order me like that. I am my own person and care about commander Leon." Her defiant nature would make her get herself killed someday, she knew but was helpless.

The fire ignited in prince's eyes as it kept her tiny body still under his gaze,"do you know what happens to those who dare defy me, milady?" His words left shudders down her spine knowing exactly what he was talking about.

It was forbidden to defy orders of royalty or else the person gets lashed until begging on all fours for dear life with no idea when mercy would be granted.

She gulped audibly  but suddenly regained her posture," I fear you not, milord." The slight waver of her voice didn't go unnoticed by both of them but the way his eyes settled on her lips made her squirm once again under his gaze.

"Then it is time to punish you for your disobedience." A surprised cry escaped her lips as he pulled her closer and sealed his lips with her.

The kiss was meant to be rough and punishing. It was meant to make her fear. But the longer his lips tasted hers, harder it became for him to keep on the purpose and not to give up in his desire. His hand reached around her and pulled her body straight against his raging muscles and heard her gasp at the realization. Her hands flew upto to his chest and tried to push him away but only to be pushed back into the wall as his tongue entered her mouth starting his own assault.

When he didn't let go of her, she started feeling her head clouding over in the lack of oxygen and she pushed herself into the wall to pull herself away. He was aware of her struggles still he wanted to steal her breath and put his leg in between hers to keep her still to show her he controlled her breathing. She was on his mercy not on the boy she keeps on asking about.

When she starting thrashing and whimpering was only then he let go of her lips and his lips trailed down her jaw on their own accord. He gasped and her bosom rose and fell with the heavy intake of breath and he found himself unable to keep himself away from her.

With a suddenness like a cat, he carried her to the bed and she fell on her back. She tried to make sense of everything when he in no time climbed over her as her scent filled his nostrils bringing out a groan from his throat. He eyed her swollen lips and desire pooled in his eyes as he claimed them once again.

Her attempts were weakened by now but she tried hard nonetheless. It was hard for her to control herself and not to give in to the feelings he was arising in her. She wanted to be with Leon. For whatever she went through with him  she started believing that they were going to build some connection between them.

She yelped and jerked her head away when she felt him peering away her skirts and tracing the flesh of her thigh with his large hand,"w-what are you doing." Her voice came out breathless and she gulped down to bring her senses back.

"Let me go." She tried to pull him back and it took every ounce in him not to hold her beneath him and have his way with her.

Helifted his head now looking in her eyes as he breathed heavily,"when I make love to you next time, I want you to fully submit to me for you are mine now." His voice was strong and unwavering, a sharp contrast to his breathless and slightly dazed state.

Fire ignited in her chest as his command repeated over and over inside her eardrums with every heartbeat. Who did he think he was. Just because he was able to force himself on her, didn't mean he could have her as his just like a useless toy.

"I give you no such permission to do anything to me ever again." She bit back at him and hissed in pain as his hands tightened around her waist.

"What did you just say?"

She whimpered as she felt her ribs sinking inside at the pressure,"y-you are hurting me, let go." She tried to pry his arms away.

As if suddenly struck with cold water, he abruptly released her and pulled himself away to free her body.
Not wasting another second, she pushed herself up and decided to run towards the door but looking at the locks up high, she instead took a turn towards the balcony. Sliding the door away, she stumbled towards it and threw her half body on the railing.

The cold breeze of winter pricked against her skin,  snatching away the strands of her unruly hair out of her face. She peered down on the dark nothingness as her eyes filled with feeling of his hands on her body.

Her lips felt heavy reminding her of his kisses and she felt forced. He punished her and touched her without her consent. Her thigh was still burning from his touch. She couldn't allow anyone to have his way with her. But prince Raine almost robbed her sanity from her.

A muffled cry escaped her lips and she wanted to do something that would tell him that he had no control over her. He couldn't just claim him or order him to be his subservient. She wouldn't warm his bed if that's what he wanted. But what could she do?

She bent over the railing and hid her face on her forearms as she started crying at her misfortune.  How helpless she was without her mother. Nobody was there to help her out of this. She had no one to feel her and protect her. Everyone wanted to control her. He wanted to control her. Another heart wrenching sob escaped her and by now she was aware of her wailing.

Arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her upper body against his chest,"what do you think you are doing, my beautiful goddess?" His soft whisper was all but a soothing ache on her gushing wounds and she started thrashing against him.

Her efforts were resulting futile and she turned around to grab him shirt under her fists,"why do you do this to me? Why?" Her teary eyes undeterred as she looked deep in his eyes that reflected concern, worry and something soft and hidden. She detected the vulnerability in his eyes which was quickly masked away but he answered nothing.

Growing impatient she started hitting his chest to bring out all her anger on him. She wanted to hurt him the way he did her. She continued hitting his chest and he for once let her. His eyes didn't move from hers who didn't have anymore strength to look in his eyes and seek out answers. She was tired of everything.

Her cries were dying down and her head finally fell over his chest and he felt the wetness soaking where her eyes shed tears. His both hands held hers and both stayed like this in silence for sometime. When he decided to move her Inside,  her body flailed and started to fall back but he leapt forward to prevent her fall and held her against him.

Looking at her closed eyes and parted lips, he cursed herself at causing her such pain and misery. She was unconscious due to inability of anymore tolerance. Without missing a beat he snaked one arm around her shoulders and other below her knees and secured her up against his chest while moving back inside aware of her burning hot body pulled against his.


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