chapter 22

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He put the dog down nonetheless, minding his injured chest and shoulder. He patted the dog little bit more and muttering some incoherent words which she couldn't make out and gestured the dog towards the other direction to which dog happily complied.

"See, it wasn't that difficult." He told her while helping her up to stand on her feet.

She staggered ahead when she shifted weight on her feet that had cramp and he held her before she could fall but in the process, her hands hit his chest for support making him escape an involuntary groan when her hand came in contact with his Injured chest and rubbed the wound.

She at once realized what she had done and jerked her hand back but the demage was already done,"oh my God, what have I done!" She breathed out in horror looked up at his shut eyes and clenched jaws.

"I'm so sorry, please. It all happened on impulse, i-" before she could go on and on with her blabbering he held up his other hand which was holding her upright and gestured her to silence, to which she quickly sealed her lips shut.

Limping on her one feet she rounded her arm around his waist and brought him back where her bags were placed. He rested his back down on tree trunk and she sat in front of him, "do you think it's bleeding now?" She asked eyeing the bandage while pushing the collar of his shirt slightly to the side to avoid any pressure.

"Any poor thing would bleed by the impact of that slap that weighed not less than a bulldozer." His accusation made her scowl at him and he glared back at her in return.

After a moment of staring contest, she sighed and back down, leaving him on his own. She got up and decided to put some distance between them, knowing she couldn't deal with his arrogance anymore but cried out when her feet turned around making her fall on her bags, right at the feet of that arrogant creature who called himself a man.

"Need some help, sweetheart?" Came his mocked voice and she had to gather all the patience that she had been cultivating inside her since she was born, not to pounce at him that instant.

She held her feet in her both hands and started caressing it with tear filled eyes"mom, where are you?" She wailed while wiping her tears in frustration.

He rolled his eyes at her childish attitude and scooted close to her and held her feet in his left hand and pulled it towards her, which made her upper body fall back. She cried out in anger and straightened herself to pull her feet back from his grip but he ignored her.

He examined her feet, slightly pushing his thumb over it's flesh until she finally hissed in pain when his thumb pushed where spasm was built. Then he held her feet in both hands ready to twist making her eyes bulge out in horror,"what on Earth do you think your are doing?"

He put a finger on his lips to shut her up and placed her feet back on the ground meeting her eyes. The way he looked at her, made her want to crawl Inside some cave and never come out.

"OW," she screamed when she realized what he had just done,"you-you arrogant creature!" She spat grabbing his arm and biting it down like a mad woman.

He cried out in pain pushing her away from him to release his arm from her grasp.

"Stop biting me like a hungry chicken!" He threw insult at her while scooting back at his place, rubbing his now red flesh where she bit, as she pulled her feet back from under his feet. While hypnotizing her with under deceiving gaze, he pressed his own feet on hers and put pressure which she couldn't believe.

But as soon as she held her feet in between her hands, she didn't feel any cramp or spasm and scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion, looking up at his smug face.

"Now, let me be at some peace, woman." He told her while settling back in his position closing up his eyes.

"You know, there are some snacks, if you want to.." she trailed back not sure if he would like to hear her but he actually opened his eyes and sat right up.

She silently straightened the envelope in front of him, to which he started to eat.


"Hey! It was my snack that you just snatched from my hand." She pounced at him but he held the last snack high up in the air.

"Why? Can I not have it?" He pouted in an unusual way making her eyes widen in surprise.

"Don't act all innocent. We both know that this one," she pointed at the snack in his hand," is mine."

"Hmm, so what we can do about it?," He tapped his finger of other hand on his chin, pretending to be in deep thought," I would have to make you mine then, I guess." Smirk on his face grew as she frowned at his response.

"Oh yeah?," She smiled sarcastically tilting her head to the side,"why would you do such an absurd thing, your highness?"

"Knowing that this snack right here,"he waved the snack a little in the air to which her eyes followed,"is yours. So I would be a profitable deal to make you mine in order to make this peace of heaven mine." He finished eyeing that snack dreamily.

Deciding not to take any of his nonsense anymore, she got up trying to snatch it from his hand but he hurriedly put his hand behind his back, chuckling with amusement.

His chuckle made her blood boil and she bent down and started struggling to get her snack back, but failing miserably. If it was for anyone else, she would have happily forgotten about a piece of snack and moved on but with this arrogant man, no.

His chuckling turned into a laughter when she huffed and puffed in frustration but didn't want to give up her struggle. But soon she put her left hand on his right shoulder to support her in the process, he stopped abruptly, scaring her that for the second time during one day, she hurt his injuries.

She froze in her movements, just realizing how she was practically sitting in his lap with her one arm draped over his shoulder to his back to reach his hand, while his other arm was resting over his other shoulder, as if she was...hugging him?

She looked up and into his dark eyes which were so close that she could see herself clearly in those irises. Both were breathing heavily through parted lips with their chests rising up and down in sync.

Wind flew past them making her hair desperately leave her face and try to chase the wind in the other direction and first drop of rain fell on her bottom lip which caught his attention.

She sucked it up while taking deep breath. When her teeth left her bottom lip, it was already glistening, inviting as a prey to it's predator who was eyeing it with thousand emotions swirling around inside his eyes.

Waiting no more, he put his throbbing lips on hers with all the passion that he was feeling for long enough to be uncountable. He sucked all of her minty breath, stealing that rain drop from her lips which she had just claimed as hers moments ago.

A heavenly pleasure that ran inside his veins, filling his soul with contentment and a newly growing urge for something else drove him crazy. As for her, her eyes were closed off as if under the spell of a beautiful dream.

Her whimper made them both separate apart, his arms still holding her captive, when her hand flew up towards a pulsating vein in her neck where what felt like a heavy weight kept on increasing with every passing second making her face morph into one of a Intolerable pain.

His eyes followed his hand and stuck on her neck at the area where it joined with her shoulder. His lips parted in shock and concern transformed a surprise when his questioning gaze flew back towards hers in need of an answer that was now desperately lurking on lips.


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