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Hermione castle was mesmerizing regarding it's luxurious furniture, skilled architecture, beautiful surrounding and joyous souls that keep running here in there, busy in daily routine.

But Alexandrian castle was no less in its glory. Having a beautiful inner setup, uniformed maids and servants, organized attendants of the castle, and amazing scenery outside where everyone seemed to be busy in one's own work.

Something that caught most of Skye's attention was the capturing beauty of dashing chandeliers.

Skye rose  her head up towards  high ceiling and tried to absorb the scarlet shades of chandeliers that were hanging low on the ceiling at some distance from one another covering almost entire celling in their colorful shining.

She had the urge to jump Hugh up and shake those square shaped diamonds that were reflecting light directly at her face making it glow and create Shadow on nearby wall.

But she couldn't risk jumping up because it would make her spill all the milk from the huge fancy  glass that she was holding. She was bringing milk to the princess before she could go to sleep.

She couldn't wait to get back in her own room and change this heavy dress and finally jump on her cozy bed and dream of her ma's smiling face that would take away all her tiredness and tension which that arrogant commander gave her earlier this morning.

Skye couldn't really believe how he created all the drama from that one incident and was now taunting her at every given chance. As if it was his utmost duty to make her skin crawl under his scrutinizing gaze.

Her shoulders shuddered at the memory of his eyes that zeroed in on her all those time. Such pervert!

But n- her ear tips quickly perked up straight just as they detected a sound that seemed like a little thud. She stopped in her tracks trying to listen which direction it came from but as she didn't get any further sound, she continued walking.

Now finally entering into the Chambers that were assigned to the princesses of other states and guests, her thoughts wondered back to the earlier this morning. This hallway was partially dark and lit only at few places from where huge red curtains, that were hanging down the wall length windows, were slightly ajar.

At night, maids are instructed to pull the curtains over the windows and turn off the lights so that guests won't feel u comfortable during their sleep. But if you walk in the Chambers of castle members, they stay lit and seem as bright as daylight.

Guess it was something about alexandrian castle.

She stifled back a yawn and once again made a face at the memory of morning which drained her most of the energy by just thinking about it all day.

Thank goodness princess didn't complain about her being late in the morn-


She abruptly turned back then quickly fixing glass in her hands when she felt a little bit of milk socked her shirt at front. Frowning at her shirt where a stain must have been formed, she squinted her eyes to see if it was ruined or not but couldn't really observe it.

Giving a final glance at the dark hallway which looked almost dark as midnight, she turned ahead and started walking.

Thud thud thud.....

Three consecutive thuds which sounded more of a footsteps. She felt her heart started racing and her paced quickened on it's own.

God what is happening to her...

Maybe it's just coming from the rooms, not from behind her.

She kept consoling herself, suppressing the fear inside.

Thump thump thump...

Now the footsteps seemed more closer than earlier. Her eyes widened as she surveyed the area behind her but couldn't find anything at all except random hushed voices coming from adjoined rooms.

She better hurry rather than standing there like a foolish lady so that she came reach her chambers soon, she scolded herself internally.

But soon she started feeling the warmth that was spreading at her back as a warm gush of wind hit her body from behind. It made her head turn back instantly and she could swear to God that her eyes caught a swiping movement of something- or more specifically someone.

Now it was official.

Someone was definitely following her...

What if this was that stupid commander? She gritted her teeth at the possible..

But it wasn't possible. He stays in male Chambers and males are not allowed to come inside female chambers..

But obviously there was a sneaking aim behind all this stalkerish activity.

She hurried up her pace looking g occasionally behind her fearing whoever was following her might end up killing her in this darkness of dimlit hallway.

She stopped in her tracks just before she could collapse into another body. Effect jolting the milk inside the glass but thankfully it didn't spill, partially because it was not full anymore in glass.

When she raised her head, she saw a female face so close to her own with a creepy smile edged on her lips looking all dark and gloomy.

She screened at the top of her lungs and the lady jumped back in the process.

"Holly crap!" Skye heard her muttering with her hand on her chest.

Skye stopped, a little confused and now could only hear the ragged breathing of both of them in eerily silent environment.

"What's got into young lady?" The lady asked after a moment of settling her racing heart back at ease.

Now closely examining her, Skye took a huge breathe, realizing that she was just another maid from the castle. But when she saw a scowl on lady's face, she felt get rush to her cheeks in embarrassment.

She was the reason to replace the smile, that she felt creepy due to her own fears, with this scowl on this lady's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I scared you. Your sudden presence surprised me, that's all." Skye apologized in the most polite voice possible.

Lady's face seemed to lose some crinkles by now and her face softened. She nodded her head at Skye and making her feel relieved at just the mere gesture.

"You should not be wondering around in the hallways at this hour of night, young lady."
If Skye was right, there was a little scolding tone to her voice but then Skye thought that she deserved it after the stunt that she had pulled right at lady's face.

"Oh yes, I'm just returning back to my chambers."

Lady gave her a once-over with her calculating eyes,"you seem like, you are guest here," then turning back to look at the hallways and then again fixing Skye under her gaze,"probably one of the princess' chamber?" She asked.

Skye averted her gaze now knowing that lady knew where does she belong and would probably make assumptions about her.

"Yes, princess Joanna." She blurted but quickly regretted it. Now if her stalker was still lingering around in the dark- which he probably was, it would give him clue about where Skye stays, and it was not good at all.

Skye bowed a little and hurriedly walked towards princess' chambers not before shooting a smile at the lady. She was feeling the burden of her heavy gaze but no footsteps anymore...


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