chapter 13

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Slow music thrummed magically in Skye's ears as she entered the ballroom and a tired sigh escaped her lips. All she wanted to do was sit around the corner and just watch delicately moving bodies of few couples that were already dancing on the dance floor, unable to resist the temptation of peaceful music

She darted her eyes sideways to locate lady Joanna but to her disappointment, she had no luck.
It was really awkward to go and sit among these high class people,not that it was allowed anyway.

Thus she decided to go, look for princess and stay close by. Making her way through now more than just few dancing couples, she kept looking around to catch a glimpse of lady.

By now more than half of the people were dancing and just few of the nobles were sitting around on sofas placed horizontally along with walls. Maids were holding trays of cocktails and alcohol along with unique flavored juices that were the speciality of Alexandrian state and serving them to those who willed.

Now that dancing men had masks on that hid half of their features efficiently just like the tux that complimented their fine muscular bodies. Most of which were engulfing masked females in their arms making it nearly impossible for Skye to find her princess.

At a distance behind brown colored gown wearing lady-who was dancing with a handsome guy, Skye blonde locks dangling on the back and she instantly recognized them as lady Joanna's. A smile crept on her lips when she saw princess mingling with two other young princesses in a carefree way.

A swoosh of air hit Skye's face making her hair rush after it, it's tips tickling her skin and she swiped her brown locks out of her eyes but when she opened them, instead of seeing princess afar, she found herself looking at broad chest that had white striped shirt on with a black bowtie, emphasizing the black tux that had golden strips on.

She never knew that a striped tux could look this good on some body and she felt the urge to look up at who it was. Black eye mask complimented extremely pale white skin. Goosebumps ran along her body when her eyes locked up with grey eyes.

The eyes that felt like as if they were reading deep secrets of her soul and discovering every inch of her face. There was no emotion on that face which was only half exposed from the black mask that this stranger was wearing.

She was frowning in deep thought as to why does she find familiarity in those grey irises that she didn't realized getting encaged in strong arms.

Her eyes widened at the memory of those grey eyes that she once encountered that first night in male chambers in the dark before the arrival of commander Leon. Sensing her realization, those grey orbs turned stormy grey and she felt like they were dilating, as if trying to make space for her brown ones.

She didn't want her brown ones to get caught in those stormy grey ones so she diverted her gaze downward. Only then she realized that her body was clung to his and her palms were resting on his broad chest.

A breath got caught inside her throat and heat crept up her cheeks making her blush excessively. A song had ended and all she could hear at the moment was the ringing of her ears.

She never imagined herself scooped up in someone's arms not to mention, in a prince's arms in broad daylight. Alright.. nightlight, but you get the idea, right?

But removing hands from his chest was not enough to lose the proximity because those strong arms were still holding her skillfully in place.

She placed her hands again on his chest to push him off her but a soft melody started somewhere behind and on cue, their bodies started moving along it's rhythm.

How long it's been since she danced like this? Probably years. Last time she danced like this was when she was 12 and was enjoying little birthday party with her friends and cousins at home when her friends forced her to dance. Too shy to dance with a normal guy, her cousin volunteered as a dance partner for her which was quite an experience for her.

But that dance was nothing like this one...

Her eyes weren't close this way and her head wasn't resting on her cousin's shoulder while she could focus on her now calm breaths that was raging few minutes ago.

There was a sense of calm. Familiarity. Peace.

She should have been panicking but she was not. She could see the face of this guy when she was entirely exposed to her.

She felt warm breath washing over her left shoulder, warming up her skin under her brown hair. A hand holding her head gently on his shoulder on which her forehead was resting. Slowly she was hugging this person. Their bodies not an inch apart, yet neither of them freaked out or feeling out of place.

She wondered why.

But all she wanted to do right now was keep her eyes closed and breathe in the calming sensation. She didn't wanna lose this warmth. This unknown familiarity was a new thing to her.

Music slowed down at the end and she thought that she almost imagined a soft kiss on her hair. But it could really be just her imagination.

But what if it was a real kiss?

Her curiosity was intrigued and she wanted to see this person. She couldn't see his full face or could make out his features the last time as well, because of being under the shadow. She didn't wanna miss this chance.

She only remembered those grey eyes from their last encounter- looking at her intently and- and.....turning red!

Her movements stilled and her blood dried up inside her veins.

No...she wasn't imagining things.

That was real!

For a moment she contemplated if it was really a good idea to look up at him and see if his eyes were turning red again?

But she wasn't able to find the courage.

What if these were red?

There was silence. everywhere.

She knew she had to look up. She needed to know whose warmth she was basking in?

Just as she decided to finally free herself from that warmth and look up to see who he really is, random voices started flooding inside her ears. Men and women, princes and princesses talking, laughing and cheering at the end of the dance. But most importantly, that warmth was gone. And she opened her eyes to see no one there.

Absolutely no one!


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