chapter 15

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A loud thud resonated off the walls and Skye jerked up alert. For a moment she couldn't comprehend what was going on because her heart was beating so loud due to the abrupt wakefulness.

It was dark in the room and curtains were drawn in front of the window blocking moonlight. She heard shuffling and immediately roamed her arm over the other side of the bed to shake princess from her sleep. But to her surprise she found the space empty.

Where did the princess go?

Is she the one making noise?

But the air in the room felt different and the feeling in her gut wasn't supporting the idea that it was just the princess moving around in the dark room.

Her thought process came to an abrupt halt as her movements froze by hearing something heavy moved inside the room. For a moment it was hard to decipher which direction the noise came from but then her ears perked up towards the window.

"Hello?" She crocked out inwardly wondering where the hell was the princess?

Her voice echoed inside the room giving her chills.

Now whoever it was, was probably going to locate her soon and kill her!

Was there any intruder inside the room?

No way! It cant be.

Her lower lip trembled at the thought and she tried to come back out of her frozen state and  to her senses. She removed the sheets from her body and a cold layer of wind hit her body right away.

She shuddered from the impact and turned to lower her legs from the bed but strong arms grabbed hers and pushed her back down on the bed as a heavy weight shifted atop her.

She shrieked at the impact but the person whom she assumed as a man due this strong built put his palm on her mouth, expertly blocking the passage of any possible sounding that could possibly escape her lips.

Tears formed in her eyes realizing what condition she was in.

She wiggled her body under the heavy weight of a person, still screaming in which she miserably failed.

"Shhhh"came a dark husky voice and her heart jolted inside her chest.

Who the hell was this man?

Was he going to rape her?

Her eyes widened at the thought and tears escaped her eyes soaking her cheeks and made their way to his palm.

She could hear heavy, ragged breathing of this man. What if he was someone from the ceremony earlier this evening?

There were all princesses and princes. That was no ordinary ceremony but a ball!

Who could he be? And most importantly why his breathing was so labored? Was he drunk?

She started thrashing her arms but tightened the hold on them. She tried her legs, having no other chance but to kick the person in between his legs so he could move his bulldozer body  off her and she could run away for her dear life.

But then he jerked her both arms up and held them in his one hand while his other hand slipped towards her left thigh and held it in iron grip. Her thigh was aching at the spot where he was holding it and she shifted uncomfortably under his hold which served her no good because soon he slipped his right leg in between hers, keeping her legs apart to prevent attack .

For a moment, both of theirs' breathing stopped and for the first time she looked up wide eyes at grey eyes staring right back at her with monstrous intensity. Something dark crossed his already stormy eyes and all she wanted to do at the moment was crawl back to the farthest corner of the room.

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