chapter 27

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"L-lord!" Her incoherent voice pleaded him while struggling to get his body off her but her futile struggles went unnoticed by prince Raine.

After what felt like ages, he finally stilled, releasing her lips from his assault and his warm breathe fanned over the bruise from where he was sucking the blood as if his life depended on that.

"My beautiful goddess." The claim that was shown by the way he uttered his name resulted in causing territorial vibrations spread down her body and for once she just wanted to get him off her and run away to Leon.  He was where she belonged.

After going through all the trouble, he still stayed by her side no matter how much degradation and humiliation he had to go through by running away from his respectable position in the royal army, all for just her. She couldn't imagine anyone else doing those things for her. She wouldn't leave Leon just like that. She would fight for him and for herself. Yes, she would fight for both of them.

The memory of Leon's lips molding against hers brought back pain inside her heart and fear of losing everything that they both had.

Her chin was grabbed in between fingers and thumb as prince Raine made her look at him. The amusement and dark pool of desire of replaced with something more darker, ferocious and her eyes slid down on the tightly set jaws that were sharp contrast to his striking attitude.

"What are you thinking about, princess?" He asked reading her reading and not letting her concealed emotions go unnoticed.

For a moment she believed that he knew what she was thinking. He must knew that or else he wouldn't suddenly get mad at her. It's better this way. He should know who ruled her heart. He was surely not that person.

"What is it to you, my Lord," Her tone was laced with prominent defiance,"and I'm no princess."

The fire of his eyes clashed with the defiance in her eyes, burning it into tiny ashes and she stilled in anticipation of what was going to come next. Will he punish her for defying him? But she told the truth. She was not the princess and he had no right to impose his opinions on her. She had the mind of her own.

"I'm the prince, my beautiful. And you are mine which automatically makes you my princess." A soft smile appeared at the corner of his lips as if he was reading his favourite poetry.

He ran his knuckles on the porcelain flesh of her left cheek as his eyes followed the movement of his hand as if to memorize her features in his personal diary. 

"I don't fancy you, my Lord.I belong to someone else." Words left her lips to show him the pain that he was causing her by claiming her without her will.

To her much surprise, he looked undeterred, "and who this someone might be?! A carefree lilt in his voice seemed more dangerous than the usual fire in his dark eyes.

When she didn't give him any response, he decided to guess it himself," isn't that the crazy guy who accompanied you all the way here?" The mockery in his voice sent her soul aflame.

"You have no right to mock commander Leon, sire." She was surprised inwardly by the bravery in her voice as she held her chin up to emphasize on what she claimed.

"Commander Leon. So he is the commander. I'll personally see to ensure his demise by disrespecting a prince." He thought to himself which didn't  sit well with her. She pushed him away from her and he straightened  up in a sitting position but not giving her enough space to sit up.

"Why don't you just let us go and live peacefully?" Their was desperation in her voice which was now building up inside her replace all the anger.

She screamed as his lips contracted and the sound of flesh tearing open resounded giving access to the pair of sharp fangs. The red hot fire ignited in his pupils as his hand flee over to her neck, blocking the intake of her life source.

"Us?" His enraged voice boomed inside the chambers making her flinch for her dear life,"there is no us when it comes to you and that filthy boy," he jerked her upwards now shooting daggers inside her eyes that reached to her soul," you belong to me, understood?"

Tears pooled up inside her eyes once again and she found it hard to breath. She struggled to pry his hand open to release her neck but it felt like concrete.

"I said, understood?" His cold whisper was void of any humanly emotion and the sight of bare fangs promised her blood shed if he denied his command. But she couldn't let him disrespect commander Leon again and again as if he was some insect.

She wouldn't let anyone raise a finger on Leon.

" you can never win me with this-torture," she hissed back at him, gasping for air,"I'm not a toy whom you can claim as yours whenever you want. I am a human being not some monster." She emphasized on the last part to knock a sense of reality in him. He didn't appear to be completely human to her. Whatever creature he was, he couldn't control her love for anyone. It was a pure feeling of her own. And she wouldn't let him snatch this right from her.

The crease of his eyebrows straightened as something unreadable flashed through his eyes now completely veiling whatever emotion burned inside him,"is that what you think of me, beautiful? A monster?" If she heard him correct then she was sure she detected an underlying hurt in his voice.

Why was he hurt? Was it because she called him a monster? Okay, he wasn't werewolf but she didn't know much about these vampires,  she had no knowledge of these type of creatures. God knows who they are and what they are capable of. The thought itself sent shivers down her spine.

When she didn't answer him he abruptly stood up and turned his back to hers. Although in the dark shadows that were lurking around him green darker by the moment he stepped inside the chambers and she couldn't see him completely but right now she wanted to read the emotions on his face that he so artistically concealed from her.

"You will soon realize that I'm not a monster, my beautiful goddess." And with that, without sparing her a sideways glanced, he retired from his chambers leaving a tiny prick at her exposed heart.

What happened to him? Why did he closed up suddenly and above all the soft edge to his whispering words that reflected burt made no sense to her. She should be the one hurt here. She was supposed to be in pain. How was he going to prove that he wasn't  a monster after tearing open her neck with his farmhand drinking beer blood and now kidnapping her after commanding brutal murder of her mother.

The way he was claiming her and the surety that dripped from his voice while referring her as his was all but kind. He was forceful with her in his attempts up until now and yet the idea of being called a monster pains him.

How strange, she thought.

She touched her bottom lip remembering the way he held her in his arms. This induced a memory of her dancing in his arms in the ballroom and the look he had in his eyes that washed over her clueless self. Her heart skipped a beat and the familiar pain resembling a tiny but sharp prick somewhere at the i visible corner of her heart ignited leaving her confused.


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