My Boy

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Just so you know, I've never gotten surgery so I'm basing this on google searches. I'm not trans myself and don't mean to disrespect anyone in the way I'm writing this. If you know more and would like to point out something, please do! Anyways, back to the story!

Kirishima's P.O.V

"So, on December 29th, I'm going to drive you to the hospital. Kirishima this money is for you to get top surgery." I stopped, looking up from the box. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about what he had done and how long it must have taken for him to get enough money for me. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hug him, thank him, do more. Crashing on to him, I kiss him with all of my being. It felt so nice to have his lips against mine, the taste of hot cocoa on his breath. Pulling away, I hug him, burying my face in his chest. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me." I mumbled. "And you have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you." Looking up at him again, I look confused. He wanted to kiss me? "Kirishima I. I odnt know how to explain this but I want to be by you all the time. I want to protect you and be by your side. I don't know what these feelings are but they only happen around you. That's all I want. I want you Kirishima." he said, cupping my face in his hands. "I love you." I said, pressing my lips to his again. This was what I wanted. This was nice. This felt right. Pulling away, I can't help but smile.

The next few days were nervewracking and I was so happy but scared at the same time. We called my aunt and told her the news over skype. It was nice to see her face over these few months. She was excited for me and got to meet Katsuki who she said she liked. we stayed around the dorm for a while, the thought of surgery not bothering me until December 28th. We had a few appointments set up with the surgeon in teh area who talked about different procedures and talked me through the process. It would take about four hours and about two weeks of healing time. He talked about the do's and don't's and we reassured him that Bakugou would help take care of me. "Bakugou. I'm hungry." I grubled, sitting up out of bed. "It's one am. you need sleep. And the doctor said no food after midnight." He siad, stuffing his face into a pillow. I was prepared but I couldn't sleep. How was I supposed to. I was going to have surgery tomorrow.

"Hey, I know it's scary." he said, yawning and sitting up out of bed. "I stayed up all night when I got my bottom surgery. I regreted it because I really needed the sleep. Sleep helps you. And in a few hours, we will be making our way to the hospital and you will feel so much better." he said, hugging me close to him, laying back down as I was fixed under his tight grip. And something about him made me feel comfortable and I fell into a sleep.I woke up with Katsuki shaking me up. It felt like a few minutes since I layed down but I sat up, a big, tired, dopey grin on my face. Making it to the bathroom, I took a shower since I was told I wouldn't be able to take one for a week after surgery until I met up with the doctors for my postoperative appointment. It was here that I would take off the bandages and see my chest for the first time. Walking out of the shower, I throw on some loose sweatpants, a loose white shirt and a zip up jacket. It was reccomended by the doctors (and Bakugou) that I should wear loose clothes for changing.

Walking out of teh bathroom, Bakugou is already there, pacing back and forth through the hallway. "Looks like someone is more nervous than me." I teased, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm nervous. But I know everything will be okay." he said, reassuring me, grabbing a backpack by the door and opening it for me. Walking out, we make our way to his car, driving to teh hospital about ten minutes away. We pull into the parking lot and make our way through the glass doors. Walking to the front desk, we are asked to wait for the doctors in the waiting room. I was becoming clammy, my hands sweating, the realization hitting me. I was doing this. My boyfriend made it possible. Wow. I had dreamed of this moment for years and it was here with the person I loved the most. Leaning on his shoulder, we hear my name called, making our way to the room. I'm changed into a gown and a cap for my hair. Bakugou left after I chganged, not being able to go any farther. Laying on the cot, I'm given the anestesia, "Where is Kat?" I mumble, my vision going dark. "I promise you will see him soon. Close your eyes." the nurse replied with a reassuring tone. Smiling, I slowly slip into unconciousness.

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