Binder Boy

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Kirishima's P.O.V

   I came out to my parents when I was 14. They had loved me. Or the girl me. But that wasn't who I was. I was a boy trapped in a girls' body. After I told my parents, they kicked me out of the house to go live with my aunt who was my moms sister. She was a nice lady who had no kids and had accepted me for being me. Her husband had died meaning she was alone all the time so when my parents called her, she was more than happy to remove me from that toxic situation and let me move in with her. She had supported me more than my parents ever would. They would sometimes call me wanting for their 'baby girl' to come home to them so they could be a normal family without and 'trans mistake' in the family. After blocking them, I told my aunt what had happened and she blocked them as well. 

   It was at the time that my body was maturing and we never had the money to get any type of surgery but I did manage to start testosterone. Even after that and ordering  few binders online, I had managed to pass in the public eye but when I was alone, I knew I still looked like a girl in almost every aspect. When I was 17, I dyed my hair red and cut it and styled it to a style I had seen online. After that, I seemed even closer to my goal. When I graduated high school, I changed my name from Ehana Suzuki to Eijirou Kirishima. (The last name 'Kirishima' came from my aunt who had her husbands last name. I had gotten it after she adopted me legally after I changed my name.) It felt great to have my own name and to be no longer tied to the people I once called my parents. That summer, I had sent in a bunch of applications to different colleges in hopes that I would get in one. And one had returned with an exception letter. 

   I was extatic and super happy that after college I would be able to have a job and get the surgery I needed to be a man. It was all that was going for me at this point. After that summer, I had packed everything I needed, said goodbye and made it to college. And immediately I ran into a problem. The college was transphobic. Great. Now I have to share a dorm with a stupid transphobic dude who will probably bring home girls on the weekends and trash out the place. But I couldn't rethink this now because I was already here. It was around 6 pm when I got to the college campus since orientation wasn't until 3. I had to get a little help packing and I wanted to have lunch with my aunt since I wouldn't be able to see her for a while. But I made it to the dorms by six. I could smell a small hint of ramen in the small kitchen so I assumed that the dorm mate was already here and in their room. Walking down the hall, I make it to the door and peer inside. It was empty except for a bed and dresser so I decided to unpack. 

   I had wanted to be as quiet as possible, unpacking my clothes and posters. Turning on my music, I start listening to a playlist on Spotify, continuing to unpack my things. I kept a few photos and hung them up. I had gone out to my car to grab a few more boxes and when I came back in, I got a look at my room mate. And he was hot. "Hey bro!" I said, walking back to my room with the last of my boxes so I could finish unpacking. I was trying so hard to hide my blush, so I kept digging my head in my boxes and thinking of the upcoming college year. And after I realized how rude the guy would probably be, I stopped blushing and continued. I heard him come in my room as I put some of my shirts in the drawers. "Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Kirishima." I said, smiling at him before continuing to put up clothes. "Bakugou." was all he said, which I guessed was his name. He paused for a second before saying that he would be in his room and then left. Finishing up, I folded the cardboard boxes and put them in the trunk of my car. Coming back in, I crashed on my bed and fell asleep listening to my music. 


   It had been a few days of college and I missed my aunt really bad but when I thought about what she had done for me and why I was here, I would be happy again. My classes are fun so far but I know that in a few weeks it's going to bite my ass. At this point, we have a few assignments due but nothing too big. I decided on an Arts and Design class because it seemed interesting and fun. It was also something I would like to move into later on in life. Imagine how cool it would be to work with different brands and be able to design new logos or designs for them. It seemed so cool to be able to do that. Working on an original logo design as a warmup assignment, I sent it to the teacher through my email and started on my chores.

   After a few days of being in the dorm, Bakugou had come up with a system where we would have chores to do for each of us. I agreed mainly because I would have to do less of the work keeping the dorm clean and I would get my laundry done because that was something he said he wanted to do, which worked out because I was never good at laundry anyways. I had done the dishes and cleaned the counters before heading back to my room. My clothes hamper was gone so I figured he had already grabbed it and brought it down to the laundry room. I expected him to bring it back all clean and thrown in the hamper and I would fold it later. Flopping on my bed, I plug in some earbuds into my phone and I turn on YouTube and start watching random videos.

   Bakugou came in a few minutes later with folded up shirts and clothes. His face was white. I figured nothing of it at first until I looked at the basket again and saw one of my binders folded up on top. Tearing up, I knew that my cover was blown. I had figured I would make it farther into the school year before anyone found out let alone my own room mate. Looking at him again, he didn't say anything and didn't look disgusted. "I'm sorry." I mumbled under my breath, taking the basket from his hands and setting it on my bed and putting away my clothes to distract myself. "Why are you sorry?" he said, acting clueless as to what he obviously saw. Holding up the folded binder in the air silently before sticking it in the drawer. "It's okay. You don't need to apologize." he said. I was shocked at his reaction and when I turned around I saw it.

    He had lifted up his shirt to show the skin colored binder he was wearing himself. 

Broken Binds (Kiribaku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora