Top Funds

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                                                TW: TRANSPHOBIC/HOMOBOBIC LANGUAGE

Bakugou's P.O.V

   Lifting up my shirt, I had to think of something to make him feel bad. I know he was just a room mate but still. I felt like I would be the only one in this damn campus who could make him comfortable. "You don't need to be sorry." I said. I could see him tense up before he turned around. He was obviously surprised and I'm guessing he was probably in the same boat as me. Wasn't aware how terrible this college was. When he turned around he was met with my binder. Looking me in the eyes, he sighs with relief and crashes to the ground crying. Dropping my shirt, I'm still standing in the doorway watching him. I'm not very good at comforting people and I couldn't even tell if he was sad or happy.

   "You okay dude?" I asked after a few minutes of him still crying n the floor. Looking up, he seemed to snap back into reality. "Yeah sorry bro." He said, smiling through his tear stained eyes. Walking in, I sat on his bed and he sat beside me. "Look, the people here are probably like the school. I'm assuming that's why you kept this secret?" I asked, looking back at him. He was wiping his eyes. "Yeah but I guess its safe with you right?" He said, his voice cracking a little. "Yeah. It is. Follow me." I said, walking out of the room and to my own. He followed behind me filing in my room directly behind mine. He had never seen my room as we hadn't talked much or really seen each other. I guess we both really didn't want to make friends with what seemed to be the worst people. Opening my bottom dresser drawer, I pulled out my rainbow flag and unfolded it flinging it in the air. "Your secret is safe with me." I said, letting it fly in the air and land crumpled on the ground. He picked it up and laughed a little before folding it up and setting it on the dresser top. 

   Plopping on my bed, I pull up a website I had started with when I turned 15. Sitting on the bed beside me, he peers over my shoulder. "When I was 15, I found this website that sends free quality binders. I noticed the ones you had and they aren't the best brand so this will help you out. They also hide packaging well so nobody will know what it is." I said, placing an order for a black, white, and skin toned one, checking out and paying the 3.99 shipping fee. "There." I said, exiting the website and pulling up Netflix. He looked shocked for a second before it was replaced with a smile. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, focused on the computer screen. "Helping out. I was where you were once. The only thing I need now is top surgery. I hope to get it this summer." I said, pulling up Stranger Things. "You already have bottom surgery! Your lucky bro!" He said, frowning a bit. "You'll get there." I said, pressing play on the screen.

   I started from episode one for Kirishima's sake and continued to watch it until he fell asleep around nine. Carrying him to his room, I unzipped his strapless binder from the back and took it off so he wouldn't sleep in it. Looking at it closer, I could see it was worn and I wondered how long he had it for. It was a bad quality but maybe he couldn't help it. Looking at his back, I noticed the scarring I had gotten and wondered if he ever took it off. I got my scarring after wearing it for fourteen hours a day for months and sleeping in it occasionally but his back looked like he had never taken it off in months. His back had lines and deep scars from wearing them improperly and for way too long. I wonder if he knew what he was doing was wrong but just didn't care. But, I couldn't stay and worry about this boy. I had to go to work.

   I was saving up 9,000 dollars for surgery and I wasn't going to make money by being in college so I needed a job. My scholarship was already paid in full which is one of the reasons I came to this school instead of a different campus. I still needed to pay for food and other expenses so I needed to make money somehow. I had looked around and found a night job that went from 9:30 pm to 12:00 am. In high school, I had a set bed time and wake up time but I was in college now and knew things would change once I had a job so I was prepared for this. Walking to the on-campus coffee shop, I was surprised to see a bunch of students sitting at tables with cups of overpriced coffee. Throwing on my apron, I walk behind the counter and start taking orders for coffee and pouring them in the paper cups, putting on the black plastic lids and passing them to students. There were some here with friends while others were here to get work done on their computers and turn them in before their due dates. 

   Making my own coffee to keep myself up, I start listening in to peoples conversations while I wipe down the counters. "That's my point exactly." I hear from one of the girls, who is talking to one of her friends, who was currently working on an assignment on his computer. I decided to listen in more. "I don't get why we are having this argument." he said, continuing to work without looking up from his computer and taking a sip of his black coffee. "Because you don't understand how terrible gay people are. You don't get It they are a disgrace." she almost screamed, making me choke up on my coffee. Wow, this early on and we have people like this. Going back to work, I start filling in more orders. After calling out a few names, she came up to get her coffee. Unslipping her black lid, it was on enough for her to be able to think it was on but if she went to take a sip, it would come off. 

   Handing her the coffee cup with a sickening smile waiting for her to take a sip. She utters a small thank you before walking back to her table. She keeps on talking to the boy who is uninterested in her one sided conversation with him as she takes a sip of coffee. And once she does all hell breaks lose. I watch in slow motion as the black lids fell off and hot, steaming coffee poured all over her shirt. I heard her scream as I looked away and starting filling in ten more orders. The guy she was with didn't realize what had happened until he heard her scream to which he ran to grab some napkins and clean up. She had glared at me to which I just smiled and pretend nothing happened. She stormed out of the shop b herself and I didn't see her for the rest of the night. Now call me an asshole, but I had the best nights sleep after I went to the dorm and thought about it, I was extremely happy.

Top Surgery Fund: $175.00

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