Christmas Surprises

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Trigger Warning: extreme fluff!

Bakugou's P.O.V

   It had been a few months and Kirishima seemed to be doing better. The teachers were no good and still used the incorrect pronouns which now just rolled off his back. I had tried to defend him once because even though it "wasn't bothering him anymore", it infuriated me. When the professor called on Kirishima he used 'Ehana' and used the 'her' pronoun.  Correcting him I made it subtle and did one of those coughs before saying his name. The class erupted in laughter, Kirishima smiled in my direction, and the professor was red in the face with anger. I got two weeks of house arrest, but it was better than seeing his gross face in the lecture hall. I needed a break from him anyways. It gave me more time to work on his Fund. After a few months, I had managed to save the nine thousand dollars and a few extra hundred for hospital expenses. Plus, he needed a Christmas gift as well. We had both gone shopping a few weeks before and decided to get each other one gift, the budget being fifty dollars. I worked with what I got and got him a jean jacket with a bunch of pins with things like 'he' and 'him' on them. I also took his logo he made in the first class and designed it to say his name. It came out to about 45 dollars and I thought it would be perfect. 

   The house arrest also gave me time for decorations. Maybe it was my inner feminism but I was extremely good at decorating. I got a small Christmas tree that would fit in the living room and decked the dorm with assorted Christmas lights and such. I even surprised him with Christmas lights stringing around his bed which he enjoyed. I really cared for this boy. He was special and I don't know why but I wanted to be closer with him. I found myself wanting to be by his side and guide him through anything. He was amazing to be around. 

   The day school got out for Christmas break, I had been back in classes for a few weeks for semester testing and regular classes. Kirishima was elated that I was back claiming class was boring without me. I was so ready for this gift. I hoped he would appreciate it.  Keeping inside most of the days, there was nobody in the dorms all going home for the break. There were no teachers and barely any students so we had the entire place to ourselves. Not that we got out of our dorm much. We were too busy huddled in blankets and watching the Hallmark channel on repeat. It was now Christmas Eve and  Kirishima wanted to leave cookies for Santa.

   "We always do it! And come one! Please? He's gonna come! I do it with my aunt all the time on Christmas Eve! And tomorrow there will be snow in the morning and we can make a snowman!" He said, jumping up and down, the Christmas hat on his head flopping every time he landed. "Fine. Chocolate chip or sugar cookies?" I asked, grabbing a bowl from the cabinets. "Chocolate chip! They are better." He said, perching himself on the counter, grabbing the sugar out of the bag and licking his finger. "Get out of the sugar!" I yelled, grabbing the sugar and adding it to my already mixed powder while he hopped off the counter and left to his room I assumed. I had extra better left over from the last time I made Kirishima some cookies when he felt sad to not be with his aunt this year. I figured if I let him stick to his tradition, it would make him happier.

   Adding more chocolate chips to the cold batter, I ball them up and place them on a cookie sheet lined with baking paper and stick them in the oven, pre heated and started the timer. "Can we eat some too?" He asked, watching the cookies on the ground through the oven window. "Yes. They're not just for Santa." I said, walking to the couch and turning on Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Coming over, he wrapped the green blanket around him, settling into the couch cushions with a content smile on his face. About fifteen minutes into the movie, I grabbed the cookies out of the oven, placing a few on a plate and setting on the counter, I bring the rest over to the couch, pouring some egg nog in two mugs for us. Grabbing a soft cookie, he digs in, humming in satisfaction. The movie ended, singing along to all the music and dancing on the couch, finishing the plate of cookies. 

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