Past Scars

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                              Trigger Warning: Transphobic language 

   Kirishima's P.O.V

   I woke up with a jolt and looked at the time. The black alarm clock that wasn't going off read 9:37 and I jumped out of bed, throwing on my college hoodie and sweatpants. Heading to the bathroom, I brush out my bed head and brush my teeth not taking a chance to look in the mirror and run into the lecture room with nothing but class on my mind. Opening the door, I'm met with stares as I went to sit down I'm assuming because I'm late. Excusing it and looking down, I walk to the back of the lecture room and sit down. I had seen Bakugou in the room but didn't sit next to him because I was sure we would distract each other. He did, however, know I was here because he looked up with the rest of the crowd. Listening to the teacher, I see him putting on a few logos made by students while they come up and present them. Crap. I forgot about that today. 

   Looking at the projector screen, different ones came up onscreen while the tired college students pointed out why they used specific colors, shapes, and fonts for their home made logos. But one stood out. Bakugou's. His logo had red, orange and yellow in it. Red attracts the person and yellow is an appetizing color making people hungry. Orange is a mixture of both. It was a flashy logo that looked like it had exploded on the sides with two sticks of dynamite on either side of the words. The words "Blasty" in white smack in the middle. It was a cool logo and attracted everyone in the room. It was a great logo design. I bet he got a high grade on it.

   A few more people came up before it was my turn. I walked up on the small stage and my logo was flashed on screen. It was meant for a shirt logo with red and black letters. It was ripped around the edges and had a wavy look to it. I was proud of it. The letters and design seems bold and nice. Before I even started to explain, the professor made a comment that didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room. "A bit rough for a girl like yourself wouldn't you think?" He asked, the class starting to snicker. "Sir I think you have the wrong idea. I'm a boy." I said, suddenly my voice becoming quiet and low. "Oh your one of those special snowflakes who think they aren't how they were born to be. Okay girlie." He said, patting my back with a sympathetic and evil smile. How could he think I was a girl? I had passed well for so long. Then I looked down.

   I wasn't wearing my binder.

 I had never taken it off except when it was being washed and when I took a shower but it hadn't shrunk my boobs. And now I was standing with nothing. I looked like a girl. No wonder I had gotten stares. They weren't staring because I was late, they could have cared less. They were staring because I was a girl. Running off the stage, I starting to tear up at the mean words uttered towards me. Opening the door, I heard it crash closed as I ran farther away from the class. I ran to my dorm door and unlocked it, running into my room. It hadn't even been a week. I'm sure I would have lasted longer. Pulling out my suitcase, I start packing my clothes and slipping on the binder that was on the ground. I had never taken it off. Why was it off? 

   I had packed all my clothes up and went to call my aunt when my door crashed open. I assumed one of the teachers was sent here to kick me out but that wasn't who was here. It was someone else. Someone better. Bakugou. "What the hell are you doing." He said, stopping me from pulling out my clothes and started putting them back in drawers. "I have to go. I don't belong here." I said, taking the clothes back out of the drawers and back in my suitcase. "You can't leave. You haven't even been here that long." He said, pulling me away from the suitcase and sat on the ground with me. 

   "You don't understand." I said, pulling more clothes in my suitcase. "I actually think that's false." He said, pulling up his shirt again and showing me the white binder he had on. "Whatever." I uttered, continuing to pack. "What was that all about back there? Why weren't you wearing your binder?" He asked, looking at me like I was crazy. "I came in late. Plus, I never take it off. I didn't realize I wasn't wearing it." "So I was right." He screamed, suddenly going to a face of pure horror. "Right about what?" I asked, continuing to pack my clothes. "Last night. I took your binder off and you had those scars on your back. I have them too. I was wondering if you took your binder off. Now I know." He said, suddenly looking sad as well. But I was mad.

   "You were the one who took my binder off!" I screamed, throwing a shirt at him which he caught in his hands and put back in a drawer. "Yes you dunce." He said, closing the empty drawers on my dresser. "Now put your clothes back." "No. I'm so mad at you right now. You are why I made a fool of myself. You are why I have to leave!" I screamed at him. "Dude calm your shit. It's not anyone's fault. Now take that death trap off." He screamed, pushing me on my bed and unclipping the back. "Why would you do that?" I said, going quiet and started crying again. "Wait don't cry." He said, sitting on the bed beside me. "I'm just a girl. Just a baby." I said, crying into my hands, letting the binder inch it's way down my shirt, the bulge in my chest coming back. "Hey. You are not a girl. You are a boy. That is how you are and nobody can convince me otherwise." He said, suddenly a passion in his voice. "No I'm not." I said, pointing at my chest again. "You just don't have the right tools yet. But I believe anyone can get there and I will help you. I got a notification that your package will be here today. They work fast." He said, with a smile on his face. Smiling, I sniff a little, drying my tears. "Now, you don't have to go to class today anymore. I don't have anything else today either. Let's have a chill day. A bro day while we wait for your binders to get here." Nodding, I unpack my bags and put my clothes back in the drawers.

   Walking to the kitchen, Bakugou was already making some pancake batter and I crashed on the couch and turned on Netflix that Bakugou had connected from his computer somehow. Flipping through different shows and movies before deciding on 'Thirteen Reasons Why' and starting the new series. Finishing the pancakes after the first episode was halfway over, he came in the living room with two plates and we started eating. We had chilled like that, sitting in the living room watching tv for the rest of the day. And almost on cue, at 2:30 there was a knock on the door. Opening it up, there was a simple brown box on the floor. Picking it up, Bakugou's phone went off signaling an email and he smiled. "This is it." He said with a smile holding up the box.

   Opening it up, I take out the black, white, and tan colored binders before grabbing the black one and taking it to the bathroom. Slipping it on, I was instantly flattened but still had a small bulge, but nothing too noticeable. Smiling in the mirror, I grabbed my shirt in both hands and walked out of the bathroom. When he saw me, he smiled, a genuine smile. Turning around, I let him see it on me before slipping my shirt on, the bulge even less noticeable with a shirt on. It also felt ten time more comfortable than my old one. "Very manly." I commented looking in the mirror we had hanging in the hallway again. 

   "Yes Kirishima. Very manly indeed." 

A/N I needed the fluff after that chapter okay! I love you all! Votes and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading! 


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