From the Ashes we Rise

Start from the beginning

I understood our posting to Captain Levi's squad while Eren was learning his Titan abilities, but I was always under the assumption we would be returning under Miche's command once Eren got the hang of it.

"It is, and you still will be after this expedition. Miche's section needs bolstering after Trost, the surviving cadets will replenish numbers we have lost. Since most had their mettle tested in the Titan breach, I imagine they will adapt quickly. Here are the lists of your new team members, I suggest you acquaint yourselves with them in the lead up to the expedition." Erwin clarified as he held out two pieces of paper for Aurora and I to take.

Reaching forward and clasping the document, I ran my eyes across the ink and let the gravity of the situation settle in. There scrawled in Erwin's neat handwriting was the names of the people we would soon be responsible for and have to lead into battle.

Team leader- Rian Sparhawke

Connie Springer

Sasha Blouse

Armin Alert

Krista Lenz


Team Leader- Aurora Sparhawke

Mikasa Ackerman

Jean Kirstein

Reiner Braun

Bertholt Hoover

"Aurora, you look unhappy, is this position not to your satisfaction" Erwin queried and shifting my eyes from the paper, I looked over to see Aurora staring at her document with a deep frown on her face.

"No sir, it is an honour, and I think Rian is an excellent choice," Aurora said hesitantly as her grip on the document tightened.

She doesn't think she is worthy.

"But not you," Erwin concluded.

"No sir, I don't believe I am capable of the position, I make poor decisions." Aurora stated, her eyes never leaving the names on the paper in her hands.

She is afraid to be responsible for the names on that list .

"You mean in the courtroom?" Erwin guessed.

"Yes, sir and other occasions." Aurora affirmed, her face void of any emotion "I'm not blind to my faults, I know I act impulsively."

"That's fair, but you have only ever done exactly what I knew you would. I knew what we were going into with the trial and I needed you to say exactly what you did. Asides from the attempts on both of your lives, that day went exactly as planned. Had Eren not proven he could be contained by Captain Levi then we would never have secured him in our ranks, and for him to be contained, he needed to lose his composure." Erwin explained and I felt my jaw slacken in shock.

"You used her," I said as the realisation dawned. Erwin had been using Aurora from the beginning, even during the incident two days ago he had been using her. He knew that the Levi squad would not hesitate to kill Eren and he had needed Aurora and by extension me to stop them. We are all pawns on his chessboard.

You conniving bastard .

"Yes. I don't waste resources and your both invaluable not just in the field but with your connections to Eren Yaeger." Erwin stated confirming my thoughts "We are at war, and war is never fought fairly, not with our enemy. You both learned that the hard way when Shiganshina fell."

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