Chapter 44~drink trips to the kitchen

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River's pov
Amberly and I sit on a couch, she's drinking a fruity drink that she is clearly enjoying. I sigh as I look at her bony hands. The bones leading up to her finger tips are popping out so far a blind man would me able to see them. I stare at her face, looking into the hollowed black cheekbones.
"Would you stop staring at me," Amberly play slaps my hand leaving me speechless for no reason. We are silent again until she gets up. "I'm going to get another drink. I'll be back," she smiles then turns on her heels. As she's gone I examine my surroundings. People sucking face up against the wall, pushing so hard I'm surprised they haven't gone through. Both genders are dancing around with solo cups in their hands or laying passed out on the floor. I feel a tap on my shoulder then look up to see an older girl looking down at me. She's probably Birdie's age.
"Have a drink," she smiles handing me a solo cup. I back away putting my hands up.
"No it's fine, thank you though," I say through my teeth. Where was Amberly?
"Coming on boy you need some I can tell. Have a little fun,"
"No I'm very okay you see I've already had a few and I'm designated driver," I say. She backs off a little as soon as I say that.
"Suit your self," she huffs off. I get up. It's been 15 minutes and Amberly haven't returned. It's not that I'm one of those super over protective boyfriends it's just that what happened at our last party. I stalk off into the kitchen. A group of boys are taking shots and girls surround them watching. I turn to the next room, which is the dining room. The chairs are lying on the floor or broken a couple grind on to of the table making me look away as fast as possible. Where the hell was she? I shuffle around passed out bodies not looking to see who's faces belonged to them. I start to get nervous. She could of passed out or gotten to drunk. Now I'm scrambling around, retracing all of the rooms. When I see a body lying limply on the ground.
She has her empty glass in her hand, indicating that she didn't make it to the kitchen for another. I feel her heart, making sure it was still beating. I know for sure she didn't pass out from to much alcohol. But from lack of nutrients,
Her body shut down.
Amberly's Pov
I can't think, my mind is scrambling over everything, nor can I focus on what just happened.
I try to open my eyes but all I still see is darkness.
My mouth opens to scream but no words fall out.
This isn't what passing out from being drunk feels like. I know that.
My body is numb and hurts all around, painful shocks flow around my body.
I'm panting and feeling to hot, gasping for air but it doesn't help.
It feels as like my lungs have given in.
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn

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