Chapter 38~the real side of the story

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Hey thanks so much for 1.05k reads!

Had a cross country meet today!



River's Pov


I got lost a few times considering I haven't been at Mark's house since forever, and it didn't help that he lived in a sub division full of twisty streets and thousands of houses. I knew Mark's house when I saw it.

On the driveway was a set of bikes. His parents were hard core bikers. And on the porch was a 3 pairs of spikes that all belonged to Mark. Mark was a runner.

I walk up and ring the door bell, waiting in silence until I heard the footsteps coming towards me in the house.

"River, it's been a while. Mark's just upstairs doing homework. Come on in," his mother gave me a warm smile as I walked into the house.

"Thanks," I return her smile then head up the stairs. Marks room was easy to find considering the door was closed and a few laundry baskets were outside of his door. I decide not to knock before I walk in.

"Brenna how many times have I told you to knock before walking in," Mark grumbles without turning around.

"It's not Brenna,"I answer making Mark stop what he was doing and turn his seat around.

"River?" He questions standing up.

"We need to talk," I say coldly.

"If you want to talk about track I'm not In the mood," he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Actually I'm hear to talk about Amberly," I answer. His face goes pale then a large grimace covers his face. He gets up to the chair so he's standing up to my height.

"What happened at lunch. I know your behind this in some way,"I make my voice sound like I have no interest.

"All I need to tell you is that she kissed me I didn't have anything to do with that,"

"But you have something to do with the reason she's not even talking to me,"

"Maybe I do, but why do I need to tell you. There's nothing to lose she's already gone," he winks, that's when I go charging down his downstairs, skipping about 5 steps a jump. I turn and mumble a quick thank you too Mark's mom then get into my car. Speeding towards Amberly's house.


Amberly's Pov


Marlee and I walk in udder silence down the busy noisy mall.we find the cafeteria and sit down at the closest table, when I start thinking about River. When we went out shopping to buy an outfit for me for Carter's high school party. I look down and sigh a little too loud because Marlee looks up from her phone giving me a raised eye brow.

"Do you know what River did on Monday?" I ask twiddling my thumbs under the table.

"Ya he was with me we went out for lunch then we went back to the hospital because your mom told us that you were okay and sleeping why do you ask?" I put a hand to my mouth. It's open so wide I'm surprised it hasn't ripped my face into two.

"Amberly are you okay?" Marlee asks worriedly

"Fuck you Mark," I mumble grabbing my phone I sprint to Marlee's car.


"Amberly! You don't even have the keys!" I hear the jingle of the metal clicking behind me as Marlee races after me.

"Marlee you have to take me to River's right now or else it might be too late," I plead pulling at the cars handle.

"Look Amberly calm down. You see you can't even think straight. My car is a convertible and you're pulling on the handle to get in," she click the 'unlock' button.

"Okay just please hurry," I jump up and down on my seat, with nerves.

"I thought you hated River at the moment," Marlee pulls out of the parking lot.

"Ya I know... Marlee go faster!"

"I'm already going the speed limit!"

"Okay, so Mark told me that River was out with Jamie. I was mad so I got back at him by kissing Mark. Little did I know that Mark was leading me on telling me fake shit, because he hates River. River couldn't have been out with Jamie because he was at the hospital," I'm out of breath and panting from speaking to fast.

We get to River's house and I literally hop the car and run to the front door. I ring it once, pacing like an anger business man. I hear the shuffle of feet and I go pin straight, only to flop my shoulders down when I see the door open.

"Amberly! I haven't seen you in a while Hun, how are you?" River's mom greets me with a warm embrace and a welcoming smile.

"Good, actually I'm looking for River," I bet I sound rude and impatient.

"Oh well of course you are. I'm sorry dear he's actually out right now. I don't know when he'll be back. Want me to tell him you came by?" She asks.

"No it's okay I'll just call him," I give a weak smile, trying to hide my disappointment. "Thank you anyway."

She shuts the door silently leaving me to walk back to Marlee's car in defeat.



Nothing really to say other then I had a good day at school! I guess!


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