Chapter 40~ warm kisses- cold news

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been writing in forever it's just that I've been lately so busy especially with running and high school. I will try and write more often



Amberly's pov


River ends up leaving when my mom gets home. I guess he really wasn't hungry. I take a small bite of my salad that is covered with chicken. I decided to leave the salad dressing out because it was high in calories and in fat. Picking at my food I look up to see a pair of sad eyes looking towards me.

"It would be nice if you stopped staring at me," I raise an eyebrow when my mom sighs.

"Amberly look at you your just all skin and bones, it's not healthy, please baby stop," her eyes turn glassy tears forming but she gets up and leaves the table before she starts to cry. I take one last bite of slad. It's bitter in my mouth making me gulp it down with a glass of water. I go upstairs and flop on my bed for a little bit. I stare around my room, eyes catching my field hockey stick. I missed the sport, it was a fall sport and right now it was middle of December close to Christmas. I get up in a scrabble and run down to the basement.

I slow down waiting for my eyes to adjust, then walk towards the closet. The large box of decorations is heavy in arms making it harder for me to carry up the stairs. I drop the box on the ground with a loud thump!

"Amberly what was that!" My mom yells from the other room.

"Decorations box," I say as I open the box which exploded my nostrils with cinnamon and nutmeg. I start with wrapping the garland around the fireplace and hanging three stockings.

"Amberly I have to go run to the grocery store want to see if Marlee can come to help?" My mom asks grabbing her purse from the step.

"Sure I'll just walk over," I throw on my converse and go out the door with my mom.

"I can drive you it's kind of chilly out,"

"No I'll be fine," I wave and start walking towards Marlee's house my mom honks as she drives past me.

I'm huffing and shivering by the time I get to Marlee's. My toes are frozen from the cold biting at them. I knock on the door, waiting for an answer.

"Hey, Amberly!" Jen answers with a merry smile. "Marlee's in her room come on in."

After untying my shoes with numb fingers I head up the stairs to see Marlee's door closed. I knock silently but get responded with no answer. I slowly open the door to see Marlee in a full on make out session with a blond boy.


They roll around in her bed, lips stick stuck on eachother. Maxon's hands are tightly wrapped around Marlee's upper back just waiting for the time for her to allow him to unclasp her bra. I shake my head and clear my voice really loud before anything can go to the next level. Marlee's head whips back and in horror looks at me. She gasps and sits up straight.

"Good bye Maxon you can leave now," she says without taking her eyes off me. Maxon shuffles around, his clothes all wrinkly, he mumbles something as he passes me. As soon as the door closes I walk towards Marlee who is blushing of embarrassment. "Why when ever you and river make out you never get caught," she sulks making me laugh. Her head is now stuffed in her pillow. I put a hand on her back.

"Marlee explain all the details," I say making her head rise and look at me.

"I ran into Maxon in Victoria Secret, no idea it was a little weird but whatever. We kept talking, then I told him I needed to go try something's on, but he followed me to the change rooms. I was trying on a thong when the door opened and he walked in. Very awkward but any way we started making out in the stall , me in just a thong and bra. I said we should probably get out. So I told him to come home with me. I bought everything and yade yada, we went home then went straight to my room. And bam make out session until you walked in and ruined it all," she gives me a death glare which only lasts a second.

"Well isn't that just lovely. When did you get home?" Marlee looked at me then laughed.

"You don't want to know!" I slap her playfully.

"Anyway I came over her to ask if you wanted to decorate my house for Christmas," I ask.

"Omg yes!" She scrambles from her bed then pulls on a pair of sweats, and grabs me on her way out the door. "Mom I'm going over to Amberly's!"

We pretty much run home because it was so cold. When we get home I see my mom is home from the grocery store. We walk through the door the warmth melting out frozen bodies. I see my mom staring at the phone. We both walk over to see her shedding a few tears.

"Mom what happened?" I asked in a soothing tone.

"River's mom just past away."


Oh My mangoes I finally updated. Sorry WATTPAD would delete everything I wrote.

And I've been so busy

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