Chapter 19~ gossip spreads fast

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Hey guys today is the last day you will get updated chapters I'm sorry



Amberly's pov


My alarm beeps loud,telling me to wake up. I throw a pillow at it. I hear a crash and the noise stops.

I think I just broken that.

I try to move but can't my muscles are so sore from doing heart attack and suicides. I waddle around my room in pain. My phone buzzes.

Marlee: I'm driving you to school k bye.

Amberly: ohkay

I make it down the stairs to smell breakfast being made by my mom.

What's for breakie?" I ask sitting down on a chair, to give my muscles a break.

"Fruit salad," mom says hanging me a bowl of it. I eat the fruit making sure it was all healthy then head out the door.

The air is crisp and cold. Leaves fall of their branches showing signs of autumn. I was glad I decided to wear a baggy tie dye sweater and light grey sweats, paired with my brown Birkenstocks. I shiver and head down to Marlee's.

I don't even knock and Marlee already has opened the door for me.

She's wearing a pair of silky black leggings, and a tie dye t shirt. We laugh when we realize we are matching.

"Gotta take a selfie!" Marlee pulls out her iPhone and snaps a quick pic before I could argue. I'm not to keen on taking pictures of myself.

"Well aren't you guys cute," a husky voice says behind us, I turn around.

"Um Marlee why is he here?" I ask pointing at River.

"Stupid you know I can't drive right! And since you guys are dating......" She blabbers on even though I'm not paying attention. I walk over to River he runs a finger across my cheek.

"You look cute today," he whispers making sure Marlee can't hear.

"Cute and hobo don't mean the same thing," I whisper back, he chuckles and walks to the other side of the car to get in. Marlee and I follow.

The hallways are filled with murmurs and whispering as soon as we get in. We all sense something is up. We walk by all the girls and boys staring and gossiping to each other.

"I swear if this rumour thing is about us I'm going to murder someone," Marlee whispers to us as we walk. We see Carter and Elise at the end of the hall. Before we can make it towards them Tina a girl on the swim team comes up to River and I.

"Elise, told me that you guys were sucking faces in the restaurant. And it was making her uncomfortable to eat so her and Carter had to leave," Tina sounds so innocent while she says this. I see River fuming.

"Tina, I believe she got it switched. She was the one sticking her fakes in Carter's face last night. Poor him probably couldn't see over that much plastic," I respond back. As we walk away I see Tina standing in the middle of the hallway mouth wide open. I smirk and wave. I swear that girl could of passed out. Marlee gives me a glance of 'where did you get those great comebacks'. The bell rings cutting me off. We all say good bye and head our separate directions.


I pack all my stuff into my beat up Vans bag, and books from my locker at the end of the day, when I feel hands push me into a locker. I look up to see who's they belong to.


"What the absolute hell, Amberly. Since all of a sudden you're friends with River you decide you can rule the school," Elise bashes my head into the metal of my locker. I'm seeing stars.

"Ah don't have River here to save you don't you," Elise mimics me, she knees me in the stomach making my back dig into the lock. I yelp as the metal digs it's way through my shirt and into my skin.

"Why you crying thought you were the best," Elise slaps me, making my cheek sting. He nails scratch my face making a little blood gush to the surface.

"It's alright Amberly, you can go back to being a loser River won't ask you out anyway," Elise smirks and backs up, her body language saying she was finished with me.

"Already asked her," I hear rivers calm voice speak to Elise. Her face goes white. River pushes past her and pulls me off the locker. He pulls me up close to him.

Just like that we are kissing, showing off to Elise. It doesn't last long but when it's over I see Elise and her expression.

"You... And ... Amberly," she stutters in shock. River pulls me closer. His abs are like rock against my stomach.

Just wait till you see those without a shirt on! My inner voice creepily says. I have to force my self to not slap me.

Elise huffs off in shock. I look at River to see him smiling, then I nuzzle my head into his shirt.

Boy was I lucky.


The blonde I am just realize POV means point of view. Sorry as I just slap myself.


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