Stone Sour

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  The church of the Crusaders was a weak religion formed around the discovery of a book written in a foreign language. Attempts to decipher this book has brought the story of the Crusaders, brave warriors wielding abilities deemed 'Crusaders Magic' who went on crusades against evil beings wielding time and space bending powers. Each story had their own branch of the religion, known as Parts. The religion was a small group, more of a cult than anything, until tales of a Crusader took over the shady parts of town, leaking into the public. Not long after, this rumored Crusader showed up at the branch in the capital, gifting the head Priest, known in the religion as the Soul Bishop, the deciphered story of all four Crusades. This multiplied the number of people who came to the church, and strengthened the faith of those who already attended. The church grew, unknowing to the mysterious Crusader, until they had influence all over Luguncia. Then, tales of a Fifth Crusade spread. The group was dubbed the Sun Crusaders, after the abilities of their leader, The Phoenix. This group consists of four members. Accompanying the Pheonix was The Servant and the Maid, named after their dress and their occupations, and the Limbaic, Named after the Limbic System, which controls the brains emotions. Thanks to the words of the Phoenix, the church had shifted, to add a new figure to its religion. Emilia, The Half Elf Candidate, despite her lineage and appearance, was being protected by the Crusaders. This notion led the church to cast away their prejudice and take in the Half Elf as a new figure: The Sun's Maiden. The crusade itself has a few names. The March of Servants was the original name, which changed to Phoenix's Wrath, before the final name was decided on.

Sun's Fall

You slowly opened your eyes, looking around the room you were in. You had all been allowed to rest and eat in the church, as they tended to your needs, as well as those of Scarlet, Ram, and Subaru. Now, you stood up off of the pew that you slept on, looking around at the church. Subaru and Scarlet were fast asleep, and Ram was wide awake, reading from a thick book. You stood up and walked over, looking down at the page.

  And so, from the strength within, The Star stole the World's power, and escaped the threat of defeat, stopping time to face his opponent on even ground.

  The Stardust Crusaders. She was reading the story of the Stardust Crusader. Ram seemed to notice you, closing the book to face you.

  "You remember the mansion? When I said your presence would strengthen the faith of the church?" She asked. You sighed, sitting down by her as she smirked.

  "Please don't-"

  "It seems I was right, Y/n." She spoke, causing you to sigh.

  "We're gonna head out after the others wake up, and we're gonna continue looking for Temnura." You stated, opting to ignore Ram's remark. She smirked as she leaned against you. There wasn't anyone in the room, so she could do this without worry. At least, that was until the doors slammed open, startling the two other Crusaders from their sleep, and causing Ram to jump up. In the doorway, was a panting priest.

"Sire! We've found an enemy!"

You ran ahead, your group behind you as you ran across the streets. The priest had barely stuttered a words to you about the location before you ran off.

As you ran, you noticed your breath slowly becoming visible. The air was growing chillier.

"We need to be ready for anything, got it?" Subaru spoke, as you rolled your eyes. Turning the next corner revealed the first casualty.

A yellow-robed priest was pinned to a wall, a massive icicle sprouting from the wall behind him, slowly melting as blood dropped from it. You clenched your fist as you recognized the demihuman face. It was the priest that guided you to the church. At her side was a broken dagger, it's hilt in the shape of a star, with the bottom ray of light stretching down to act as its handle.

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