The Point Of No Return

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You violently sat up, thrashing at the memory of your head being caved in. You looked up, at Ram, who looked at you in surprise, as Rem's words flashed through your head.

  "I saw her face, of wonder, at who you were described to be, at your supposed power."

"Even if my sister has the nerve to fall in love with one of them!"

With those words in mind, you stated Ram in the eye. You saw nothing in those eyes, except maybe a desire to to do her job. Did Rem lie? As you stared into her eyes, Ram averted her gaze, her cheeks taking the slightest tint of pink.

So she didn't lie. You looked away from Ram, feeling the sickness take hold as Ram dipped her towel in the bucket, moving to press the towel against your forehead. You reached out, grabbing her wrist.

"I'm fine. There's no need to-" you stopped upon seeing Ram's face. It was one of pain. You looked at your hand, to see Ram's skin letting off steam on contact. In slight panic, you let go, seeing a red print on her wrist.

"I'm... Im sorry." You stammered, looking at your hand. Ram swallowed nervously, pressing the towel against your forehead. You heard hissing as steam rose off the towel. You sighed as Ram removed the towel.

"Your temperature has significantly worsened. I would recommend you stay in bed for the day." Ram instructed, dipping the towel in the bucket again. As she pressed it against your forehead, you felt her finger twitch. How bad did those few seconds of contact hurt? As Ram removed the warm towel, you spoke up again.

"Could you open the window, please? And stop blocking the sun? I like the warmth." You requested. Ram silently obeyed, opening the window, and moving the bucket to the other side of the bed. Once again, you set Fall Out Boy to absorb energy, to improve your condition. As Ram continued to mop your forehead, you noticed the hissing from the steam eventually stop. Ram took notice of this as well. She hesitantly placed the back of her hand against your forehead.

  "It seems you're quickly improving. I suggest that you stay in bed, however. I will provide you a meal, should you desire it." She said, dropping the towel in the bucket. When you didn't respond, she left the room. Now alone with your thoughts, you recalled what had transpired before now, and grinned the covers. So you couldn't run away, or Rem would track you down and slaughter you like a pig. You sighed in defeat as the door opened again. You looked up to see Subaru.

  "Y/n." He greeted. You nodded towards him as he entered the room, behind him was Beatrice.

  "Yeah, this is Y/n, Beatrice." He spoke to her. She approached the bed, staring at you intently.

  "Yes, he does carry the same scent as you, Subaru." She spoke, her eyes flicking to different parts of you. Your eyes widened. Is she talking about the Witches scent that Rem asked about?

  "That is not the only scent he carries." Beatrice pointed out, sniffing you. It felt...awkward to say the least.

  "It is most strange, I do not recognize it over the stench of the witch, but it's there." Beatrice squinted.

  "I have been asked by your friend that I watch over and protect you and him, so I will do my best to do so. Do you understand?" Beatrice asked you. You nodded, to her satisfaction.

  "Good." She turned around and shooed Subaru away.

  "I wish to speak with this boy alone, get out of the room, I suppose." She instructed Subaru, who obeyed. When the door shut, Beatrice turned back to you.

  "That scent is completely new to me, but it is powerful, to even be detected over the Witch. I already spoke with Subaru, and it seems you don't know if the witch, but can you tell me what else I detect?" Beatrice requested. You shrugged, sighing as you recalled Fall Out Boy from sunbathing.

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