Iron Maiden, PT 2

Start from the beginning

Up until now, most of your battles had been in open plazas or the center of towns(exceptions being Amaya[Careless Whisper] and this guy). The difference with this guy is, he thought he knew what he doing. Thought.

You skidded to a stop, your stand at the ready as your opponent slowly stood up. A scowl clearly painted on his bleeding face, he pointed his hands towards you. From his fingertips, thick iron wires sprouted, heading towards you at high speeds. Fall Out Boy put its hands up to block. Some wires splayed out on impact, but most dug into the arms. You flinched as blood started to drip from your arms. From the arms of Fall Out Boy, only two wires managed to completely pierce the arm, trying to go to your chest. Fall Out Boy releases its defensive pose, wrapping the wires around it's arm for grip as it yanked the user towards you.

Instead of budging, more wire instead emerged.

Holy shit! How much iron does this guy have!?

As soon as Fall Out Boy stopped pulling, the wires grew taught, bunching onto itself as blood spurt from your arms. He was using the wires in your arms to create barbed wires.

With a grunt of effort, the wires were pulled free. You shouted in pain as your arms were ripped open, chunks of flesh falling onto the street.

"Oh no you don't!" With a shout, wind blades flew past you, striking the stand user as he fell down again. Your initial attack combined with Ram's assault now severely wounded him. You got ready to attack again as he stood up again. You still had one cable in your stand's arm. You took a look as you noticed several wires splitting off of it, leading to your blood, which was losing its color. He was using you to get stronger.

Before you could attack again, the wire burst through Fall Out Boy's chest, splitting into several other wires that pierced your chest.

  You faintly heard the shouts of your group as you felt the wire spreading through your limbs. The first wire emerged from your right hand, through the middle finger. It curled on itself, slowly binding your hand as a wire mirrored the action on your left finger. It hurt so much, and Fall Out Boy couldn't come back to activate Twin Skeletons, because the same actions again were being performed on it, doubling the pain of it all.

  "Now... now...." The opponent slowly walked into the clearing, his hands clenched into fists.

  "One move, and his blood flows."

   Scarlet knew there was no real danger to you. You could not die, and would find a way out of this. But, as she watched you get bound by Iron Maiden, doubt began to settle in her heart. You could not move, and Fall Out Boy was separated from you, leaving you helpless. On her shoulder, Far From Home appeared. She barely noticed as it fell onto the ground, it's movements slowing.

   Y/n is our only fighter. I'm a stand user, yet I've never been of use. I watched during half his fights, hid from Ayom(New Divide), and was knocked out the rest of the fights. He had us fight, to try and get stronger, yet we're useless. Ram has no training of her own, and only her magic, which drains her. Subaru can't do anything. He has no stand. Which means the only other fighter here....

  Beside Scarlet, Act Two curled up, slowly turning a light shade of brown. Inspiration somehow surged through Scarlet. She clenched her fist, and a crack erupted through her stand. me.

   You had no choice but to stand still. Ram tried to approach from the side, but the opponent seemed to notice this. With a twist of his hand, the wires started to twist around, cutting through your flesh and scraping your bones. You would've made a response, but you refused to satisfy him. Ram seemed to notice your condition as yellow blood dripped from the wires. He was actively draining you of iron, to fuel his stand.

  "Y/n L/n. If I need to have you infinitely trapped in Iron Maiden, I will gladly do so. All that matters to me is that you stop living, so that I can finally get my reward." As he spoke, several wires sprouted from his wounds, stitching them shut as his blood seemed to draw itself back into the wounds. You watched as he closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath. His breath hitched as the wires stuck inside you suddenly lost all composure, and you fell to the ground.

"Y/n.... I'm sorry." Scarlets familiar voice entered your ears as Fall Out Boy, now free, immediately retreated into you, as Twin Skeletons activated.

  You pushed yourself up with effort as you looked to the ground. A line of blood trailed where the wires once were, leading towards the opponent stood, holding his wrist in pain.

  "You bitch!" He yelled out, wires pouring from his palm. They all fused together, forming a massive blade.

  "Iron Maiden! Hallowed Name!" The blade flew, like a guillotine towards Scarlet. At the last second, Far From Home act- that is not Act Two.

  Clinging to her back was what seemed to be the upper half of a statue, of an angel. From its wrists, long blades sprouted, which now blocked the massive attack, which pushed back Scarlet.

"Far From Home: Act Three. Prove that I am not a bystander." At Scarlets command, the stand flashed out of existence, darkening your vision for a second. When your vision returned, Act Three was not on Scarlets back. You looked around, quickly spotting the stand on the opponents back. They could barely react as the blades entered his temples. His body went limp, before regaining his form, his eyes turning a stone grey.

  "You are mine... Nijinara Okotano." At the mention of his name, Act Three twisted its arms, swiftly snapping 'Okotano's neck with ease. The rest of the wires melted into blood as he fell over. As Act Three disappeared from view, Scarlet sighed, before turning to you.

"I've stood by for too many battles. From now on, we're in it together." She looked at Ram and Subaru.

  "All of us." Subaru gave a thumbs up and Ram nodded, stepping to your side as you fully healed.

  "Yes. All of us, together."

There goes my favorite stand(created by me). Well, while I'm here, I suppose I should state that I'm nearing the end of Suns Fall. After it, I'm thinking of two things to start while we wait for Season 2 to come and go. I'll put some detail into them in a post in a bit on my profile, but I'll describe one of the options here, where there's more weebs:

  Rising Of The Shield Hero Crossover. I have three main options here.

  •More JoJo(will be the third one I know of, second actually involving literal stands)

  •Bloodborne(following the secret/true ending of the game, may affect the story a bit)

  •No Crossover(if you're a hero, will need weapon ideas. No guns. If you're not a hero, then give an idea of what you want)

  So yeah. More info on my profile in a bit. Have a good day!


~1864 Words

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