1- A New Day, More Pain

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Rays of sunlight shone through my large windows, decorated with tons of stickers, as I lay under the covers in my Wonder Woman pajamas, with the alarm beeping beside me.

7:00 am

Ugh, it's time to get my cute butt out of bed and get ready for school.

I shot forward, throwing my flower imprinted peach cream covers off of me.

After rubbing my eyes for a few seconds, my hand slammed down on the alarm, causing the agonizingly annoying blaring to stop.

I sighed.

In a few days, my life might end up changing drastically and I wouldn't have to get up at 7 am in a room designed specifically for a six year old brat, anymore. I mean, seriously, my whole room is pink with tiaras, dolls, glitter, and toys scattered all over the place. I can't invite teenagers up to my room as they'll laugh at me. My whole life will be...ruined if I do so. OK, I'm being way too dramatic for a sixteen year old, but in my defense, this is the perfect age for me to be overly emotional. You know what they say, teenagers will be teenagers.

Anyways, I'm seriously worried about something that's been on my mind for over a week and has made me extremely anxious.

"When is my acceptance letter to Ice Skating Academy going to arrive?" I groaned out loud, "I'm getting impatient."

It was my dream to be a figure skater and make it big time!
I wanted to be a star on the ice, and glide in any direction that would give me fame and adoring fans who'd faint at the sight of my epic moves.

Skating has been my passion since I was a child. So has ballet.

Sometimes, I still engage in the art of ballet when my mother forces me to present in front of my cousins. Ouch, I winced at the memory as I remember their evil faces when they booed me on. Jealous twits.

"Well, I should get ready," I whispered to myself, getting out of bed.


It took me around 45 minutes to get ready before I went downstairs.

Before you judge me, I just wanna say it's a girl thing.

Entering the kitchen, I spotted my mom sitting at the table, wearing a monocle as she read papers. Cases, I assume. She's a lawyer. A really good one. I'm not lying, I swear...

"Hey mom," I said, startling her from her thought process, "any news of my acceptance to Ice Skating Academy?"

Lisa shook her head.

"Not yet sweetie. Don't worry, I'm 99% sure there will be news soon," she reassured.

Where's the other 1%, huh?

"The academy would be a fool to not let you in," she continued.

"I hope you're right," I frowned.

"I know I'm right," Lisa said, confidently. "I've seen the video you submitted to them. It was wonderful. Although there was this one jump that needed a little work, if you---"

"Mom," I cut her off, my sadness turning into seething, raging anger, "I never showed you the video...unless you went into my room. Not cool!"

As I glared at her, her smiling face became suspicious like.

"Honey, no need to get upset unless there's something that you're hiding in your room..." there was a hint of a warning in Lisa's voice.

"W-what?!" I fumbled. "Of course not."

I just like my privacy. I might as well get a "stay out" sign and a lock to keep out unwanted visitors.

"Good," Lisa chuckled, clearly happy to have made me squirm. "What do you want for breakfast?"

She got up and walked over to the fridge.

I knew when she opened it, I'd have to cover my nose. Our fridge was like a war zone where nuclear testing went on. Every item in there could be deemed unsafe but we were too lazy to throw it out. To make matters worse, we actually ATE food from our unholy fridge.

"Just give me a slice of pizza," I shrugged.

"Pizza for breakfast?!" Lisa's eyes widened in horror. "You'll get fat! You know we can't get you a gym membership anymore, they kicked us out because I seduced every trainer there and the CEO got mad."

I shuddered, I can still remember that incident like it was yesterday, so vivid.

"You only live once," I shot at her. Besides, I'm an athletic person. I'll just do a bunch of twirls and be good to go.

"Fine," Lisa rolled her eyes, opening the gates to hell, quickly grabbing a slice, and closing them fast. She walked over to the microwave, heating it. Her short, white hair bobbed up and down as she hummed a tune to a Billy Idol song. My mom has dye in her hair like me. Mine's blue. Both of us like to dress in a unique fashion and we have glowing, gray eyes. Some people like to say we look alike and I'd have to agree. We look more like sisters than a mother and daughter. Both of us are also olive in complexion and we have these big a*s cute dimples when we smile.


The pizza had warmed, so Lisa grabbed it and then came over to where I was, handing me the slice. Thank goodness there was no mold on it.

She went to sit back down at the marble table, draped with sheets showing the ocean, as I devoured the pizza like a mad man, taking extremely huge bites.

"Delicious," I said with my mouth full, "thanks for the breakfast, I have my morning energy and I feel like I can do anything." Why I could fly a damn airplane or run a whole freaking country!

Lisa chuckled, eating a cupcake. I swear there were crumbs falling on her papers. What a sloppy eating buffoon, but then again, I'm a pretty bad eater myself. I killed my chances with my first crush ever because of an embarrassing spaghetti incident which I won't mention in detail.

"All right sweetie, have fun."

"Have fun at school?" I faked a horrific expression. "Never!"

"Well enjoy this school as much as you can Ice, because soon you're going to leave for Ice Skating Academy," mom told me.

Ugh, she's right. If I get accepted, I'd have to leave this school behind. I'm so excited...yet nervous. Really nervous.

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