Point of No Return

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Tai stood motionless. His blade had done its work, and the galaxy was a better place for it. 'One less Sith to clutter up the galaxy' he thought to himself. He had done the right thing. Or so he had thought... The rage required to use the JarKai Var style still presented itself. The fire that burned within had not left him, even after the many years of training to keep it in check, even after the many years of training under Ulic Qel-Droma. He would be ashamed of his former pupil for giving in to his rage so quickly. And yet... it still had not left him. His eyes grew a fiery yellow, different from a Sith, but still full of hatred. Hatred towards the Sith for endangering Sora. Hatred of the Council for making his life a living hell for him and his love. Finally, his hatred of himself, for having revealed his secret lightsaber technique to everyone in front of him. He had let Davis down by allowing himself to use it, and for a while, Tai Kamiya disappeared. Instead, the last Apprentice of Qel-Droma emerged. "Good Riddance" was all that came out of his mouth, his blade still activated, his eyes still viewing outside where the corpse of the Sith Master was floating.

Sora looked up at Tai, wondering what in the galaxy had come over him. She not only was alive and well but surprised to be so. In all accounts, no lightsaber form of combat had the ability to move incredibly fast at speeds beyond even the original Masters of the Jedi Order. There was something about his face. His eyes screamed fury, and a determined fury at that. She could feel his power radiating from his body, the awe of his strength. Yet, she was also frightened. He had committed something so violent that it had awoken something in him. And that voice... that low pitched voice rang of vengeance and war. What had come over her love? "Taichi... sweetheart?" She went up towards him but stopped him her tracks. He looked over to her, with his yellow eyes of fury staring into her. His face was not the usual cheerful self he carried around. This was a serious face, one that had seen war and battle. "Taichi, you're scaring me." Her voice started to go higher, trying to bring him back to his senses. "I love you!"

The Apprentice looked at the woman. 'Who is she?' He thought to himself. Suddenly, a thought entered his mind that was not his own. 'Sora... That is Sora. The love of my life.' The Apprentice chuckled to himself, and suddenly slammed his fist against his head. A little trail of blood trickled down his arm from where he placed his self-inflicted wound. He looked up towards Sora, his eyes returned to the shining blue of Tai Kamiya. "Sora... I'm so sorry." He said as the guilt started to rush forward of what he had just done. "I'm a monster...".

Meiko jumped down from her perch, landing on the hard durasteel of the ground below. Picking herself up, she walked over to Tai and Sora and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What was that? I've never seen anything like it." Meiko asked as she looked around to see the carnage that decorated the viewport. As she said the words, Davis started to stir, finally coming too after the blow he had been dealt by the Sith Warrior.

Groans escaped his lips as he grabbed the railing on the windowpane. Davis stood slowly, almost losing his balance as Tai ran towards his Padawan. "Master... what happened? Where's the Sith Master?" He asked groggily, adjusting himself by resting on the bar for support. His breathing quickened as the pain started to take hold of his body. "Ow... Oh ow!" He cried, gripping his side. Tai put his hand on Davis' side and closed his eyes, hoping the Light Side of the Force was still within him as he attempted to heal his Padawan.

"Easy my friend, I think he may have broken your ribs in a couple of places." Tai opened his eyes and extended his hand towards Sora. "Medpac please" Sora obliged and reached in her belt, handing a medpac to her love. "Thank you, hon" he said as he administered the needle in Davis' side. He chuckled as he remembered their training aboard the Hawk, having a case of déjà vu playing in his mind. "This will put you right, try to stand up."

Davis acknowledged and stood slowly at first, then gradually found his balance as he stiffened to his feet. "Those medpacs sure do the trick, don't they?" Davis chuckled as he surveyed the room's destruction. "What in the hell happened in here?" He asked, shocked at the broken window and the marks present on the floor.

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