Fall of a Regime

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Sora and Chundaar crossed blades inside the compound. Blood and sweat exited their pores as a saber lock was engaged. Even though Sora was a spiritual master of the Order, her skills in lightsaber dueling was uncontested with only Tai and Matt being able to best her in a duel. But now this was different, this was no sparring match between friends. This fight was to decide the fate of an entire planet.

"Despite all that you've done, you will never defeat me. I have Bacca's blade, and with it my rule is uncontested!" Chundaar roared as he broke the lock. Positioning himself to assault his opponent with strike after strike, Sora readied herself with a defensive Shien form. Each block caused some of her strength to dissipate as Chundaar himself was built like a tank.

Switching to a Djem So style, Sora blocked the strike aimed at her chest, forcing her blade to wrap around in a circle, cutting the hilt of Bacca's sword. "It would seem you are without a weapon." Sora had aimed her blade at his neck.

Izzy and Mimi ran into the room where the duel was taking place. The scene that laid before them was breathtaking. A master of the Jedi Order had bested a Wookiee Chieftain in swordplay. But something seemed amiss: Chundaar wasn't the least bit frightened by the lightsaber blade being pointed at his neck.

"What do you make of this, Chundaar? The situation looks bleak for you!" Mimi yelled as her lightsaber ignited.

Chundaar started to laugh. "Well, it seems I've just beaten you!" He pulled out his electro vibrosword and sliced upward, cutting Sora in the face that would leave a permanent scar. She yelled in pain as she stumbled backwards trying to cover up the area. Mimi was angered by this turn of events and stepped forward in her master's place.

"You will soon know the true meaning of justice. By the hand of the Jedi, you will face action for your crimes today!" She raised her blade in a Makashi stance.

Chundaar glared at the young Knight before him. "Jedi or not, you must realize... you are doomed!" He roared so loud that the entire compound shook with great force.

Mimi chastised him with a sarcastic response of her own. "Oh I don't think so, you walking carpet!" She raised her hand and launched a powerful wave with the Force. Chundaar flew outside smashing through the wooden walls and landed on a platform adjacent to his compound. Struggling to get up, he looked in anger at Mimi, who smirked towards her enemy.

Sora recovered from her brief experience with only a scar just above her left eyebrow. She walked in front of the hole in the wall that led outside. Storm clouds had started to gather around the village, possibly due to the influence the Force had over this fateful duel. Both opponents stared at each other in determination. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Sora leapt up in the air holding her saber up in a classic stance of striking downwards at Chundaar.

Chundaar leapt up into the air after Sora with his electro blade in a similar fashion. As the two got closer to each other, their blades crossed, sending sparks of electricity towards the village as thunder graced the audience with sounds unheard of. This would be the final round of their battle.

With the saber lock still in effect, Sora was beginning to wear down as she felt Chundaar look deep into her brown eyes, as if sensing her weakness like a shark smelling blood in the water. He smiled a sadistic grin as he broke their saber lock. Sora brought her saber to her center in a Shien stance, ready to defend against any attack that her opponent would bring. The yellow color of the blade illuminated her eyes, in complete concentration on the task at hand. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed in a loud rumble.

"I sense great fear in you, young Jedi," Chundaar gloated. "I thought that Jedi were not supposed to have any fear as it leads to the Dark Side. Is that correct? It seems you are human after all."

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