Return to Alderaan

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Tai laid on the medical bed in nothing but his underwear with the door closed. The last thing he wanted was more embarrassment from his teammates, especially Sora. His face burned hot with anger that he never knew he had. Why did Kari have to kick him there? Sure he was still quite the hot head, but was also courageous when he needed to be, as evidenced by his actions on Kashyyyk.

'Kashyyyk... if I ever hear that name again, it'll be too soon.' He thought to himself as he had another dose of meds to combat the phantom pain that would return from his second Trial of Flesh. A knock was heard as he took the needle out of his thigh. "Yes?"

"It's me, Master. Can I come in?" Kari asked as she heard a loud thud and crashes inside the med lab. Apparently, Tai was not the gracious of hosts when it came to the med lab. The door opened to reveal Tai as he sloppily put on his Jedi robes to hide the needle that he used from his medpac.

"Yes, my Padawan?" Tai asked puzzling. What could Kari possibly want after Kashyyyk? They left the planet just two standard hours ago, and he could tell she was already antsy to get back on solid ground. "Don't worry, we'll be at Alderaan soon enough. Then we can be debriefed by the Jedi Council." Tai said as he stepped out and motioned for her to follow him.

Kari started to walk behind her master as they entered the main hold. "Master, I have been wondering something. Why are Sith Lords only obsessed with power? They claim that they turn in order to bring peace, yet they are only in the pursuit of power." Kari asked her master a difficult question. He had never turned to the Dark Side but he had tasted its power, and why he would never again use it to achieve a means to an end.

"Kari... that has a complicated answer. To fully understand, it would require that we examine Sith teachings. Of course, you know these are forbidden." Tai told his apprentice. Kari sighed at the rejection and started to turn around until Tai poked up her curiosity again. "But... whoever said I was the perfect Jedi? Come with me to our quarters." Kari followed her master to the starboard quarters. Closing the door behind them, Tai dug through his pack.

"Master... what are you looking for?"

"Knowledge, my dear Padawan. You'll understand when I pull out what we need." Tai said as he continued rummaging through his things. Finally, he pulled out a cubical object, followed by a pyramidal object. "I hope you know what these are, Kari. We never really went over these in your training."

Kari looked at the objects with a puzzled look. She had seen them before but couldn't remember where. Then it hit her. "Those are holocrons Master. They contain lore from thousands of years ago. I recognize the cube but what is that pyramid one? Is it a special one?" Kari questioned. She continued to look at the pyramid shaped holocron like a confused dog. It interested her like nothing had before.

Tai sighed as he sat down to meditate. Kari followed suit, putting her hands on her thighs.

"What I am going to show you I will never show you again. Do you understand?" Tai asked his student with a serious tone. This was unlike him, to be extremely serious, even in the stream of hyperspace. But he was serious and Kari was most certainly going to give him her attention.

"Yes of course, Master."

"Good, now open this holocron." Tai said as he placed the cube holocron on the ground.

Kari started to meditate with a full alignment of Light Side energy. She felt the peace of a Jedi enter her body, as it guided her meditations and her thoughts. The holocron started to spin and lift up off the ground. Slowly, the cubed edges started to turn and twist off. The holocron was finally open after several minutes of concentration on Kari's part. The hologram message that was inside started to play. To her surprise, it was something from her own master and mother.

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