Jedi Unbound

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The group shuffled inside the elevator. The Sith embassy was sure to be crawling with troopers, Dark Jedi, and a Sith Apprentice was bound to be inside. Tai took Sora's shoulder and brought her close to his chest. "Whatever happens, stay close and try not to be the hero. I can't bear the thought of losing you to a bunch of incompetent troopers." Tai said with a stern tone in his voice.

Sora snickered at the thought of Tai protecting her like she was a child all over again. "Isn't that something you should say to Davis?" She reassured him with a kiss on the cheek.

"You're right... what am I thinking?" Tai laughed as the elevator kept going up towards the atrium. He then looked at Davis and nodded to him. "No JarKai Var techniques, the Sith should not know of our style of combat."

Davis nodded to him as he pressed against Kari. The elevator soon became too cramped and they all complained of the lack of space. Cody even went as far as to try and stop the ride on the wrong floor. "I can't take this anymore! I need to move and stretch my legs!" Cody complained as Meiko placed her hand on his head.

"Patience, young Cody. We will soon be at our destination, and the Sith will soon learn the hard way of getting in the way of Jedi." Meiko said, her words sounding sinister. The Dark Side could be felt, even in the small presence of the base, and it started to affect the minds of those who were not open to its pull.

The elevator stopped, opening to an atrium with one Sith officer working as reception for anyone coming through. She snapped her head up and seethed as the group exited the elevator. "You there! What are you people doing in here?! I don't recognize any of you?"

Tai spoke up as leader of the group. "We're new around here, and we were given authorization to be here." He said as he snapped his fingers to which the group assembled their lightsabers. This went unnoticed by the Sith reception officer. Meiko stepped up right in front of the officer's desk. "You will let us pass." She waved her hand, hoping the Force would have some effect on the officer.

Unfortunately, the Sith officer had mental training to resist Force abilities. "Show me your pass cards, Jedi!" She yelled, with her finger ready to ring security in a moment's notice.

Meiko finally had enough, "My pass card is right here in my lightsaber. If you look closely..." She began to hold the lightsaber's emitter up to the officer's chest. "Die!" Meiko had committed the first kill of the Jedi on Manaan.

Sora and Kari were both taken aback by this. Meiko had committed cold blooded murder in the Sith embassy. The Sith were the enemy, but a Jedi never behaved in such a way, as Kari had learned on Kashyyyk at the start of their journey. "Meiko?! Why did you do this?" Kari asked.

"She would've given away our position, and our fight through here would have been even more of a challenge. At least this way we still have the element of surprise." Meiko paused. "Now do as I say. Kari, Cody, you're with me!" She exclaimed as the Dark Side coursed through her.

Tai stood by and looked in shock but relented. "You three will capture the flow control room and submarine hangars. Sora, Davis, and I will find the commander of this embassy and bring him to justice." He sounded more calm than usual.

"Right, let's go!" Sora activated her lightsaber as they ran down the hallway, cutting down the droids and troopers that got in their way.

The Sith troopers scrambled to try and muster a fighting chance. "Raise the alarm! Inform the Master we have intruders!" One trooper fell as the Jedi force barreled through the corridors. Blaster fire was ineffective as the lightsabers blocked every shot, and the Sith fell one by one.

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