Chapter 26 Crimson Kisses For Him part 2

Start from the beginning


Noma slams down a stack of contracts clearly angered by something. I release my master's cheek to shoot her a look of displeasure.

"Can I help you?" I ask folding my arms. My master pets down my back in a slow seductive drag and I push into the touch.

"Yes, you can," She grabs me by the arm and tugs me out of the man's lap, out of the room, and down the hall far away from prying ears. Once she's satisfied with the distance she just...goes off. "You need to get this contract business under control! You're being reckless and unprofessional when it comes to them." I roll my eyes.

"Why are you so worried about it. I'm doing my job, making many contracts. You should be thankful." I hiss planting my hands on my hips in defiance.

"Thankful?" She scoffs narrowing her eyes. I suddenly feel underdressed from her scrutinizing gaze. "You're signing Doms and then dropping them not even two weeks in the contract, do you know how that makes us look?" I lick my lip dropping my eyes to somewhere else, a corner in the room, an intricate design on the wallpaper, somewhere other than the woman in front of me.

"They don't fit my taste, they're not what I'm looking for, not what I need." Her scowl seems to morph into something close to disapproval.

"Then why in heavens name do you sign the contracts. You would have had plenty of time to become accustomed to them before making such a big commitment, you could have seen who was right for you. Yet instead, you've toyed with these people. Dragging them by a thick thread only to cut and maim. Why?" Why you ask? Because I was lonely, because I've been aching ever since the scandal from last year, because no one understands me nor asks what I want. Asks what I need. At least doing the contracting this way, it assured me with affection, another's interest in me. Better to let them go early than to try and gouge my fingers into their arms as they tried to leave me behind, broken, and battered. Hopelessly smitten. Like Will. Like *********. But I don't say any of this, instead, I shrug and force a cunning smile to my lips, even though they're trembling softly under the mass emotions I'm feeling.

"Because I bore easily because they're too suffocating. Why be confined to just one Dom when I can have multiple? Many from different backgrounds and different teachings." Noma flinches the frown melting away from her face altogether. She looks closer trying to peer into my eyes, but I keep them trained away in fear she'd call upon my lie.


"Now if you'll excuse me, this week's Dom is waiting for me."


I clutch the letter to my chest blinking, once, twice, waiting for the paper to disappear. It never does, not even when I set it on the coffee table to go pour myself a cup of wine. Not even when I come back to drink at the glass ignoring it altogether. When it proves to be actual object not made up by my imagination, a small choked gasp stutters from my mouth. I press my hand to my lips and shut my eyes firm to the on slaughter of raw emotions. The short letter reads:

Dear Ezra Wellington, you have not gotten back to me regarding our contract and I would still very much like to form an agreement with you. It has been well over a year slowly drifting into the second since I sent my contract. I had hoped you'd accept, but I have not heard a word from you since. If you're still interested I'd like to take you to dinner where we might talk on it?

Sincerely, ********* *.

I press my lips to the paper as the small tears dribble down my cheek and off my chin. He did still want me, he wanted me then and he still wanted me now. How could I be so stupid, so self-conscious? Had I ignored the media and pursued his offer, we'd probably still be in a relationship to this day. I rattle his number off in my head, and my lip quarks up. Things were going to start looking up, and maybe just maybe I could start a bond.

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