The fourth quirk my body established so that I didn't have to go through all the pain the villians put me through. The doctor's said that it was dorment in my body and needed a tramatic experience to awaken it , I guess..
With the three new quirks I will definitely make number one hero!

Before I realized it my face slammed into the dorms front entrance. I made my way in trying to avoid everyone. It was around 8:00 pm and the perfect time for everyone to be roaming around the dorm.
Just my luck
I though to myself sarcasticly when I saw the commen room filled with people. A big banner hung on the wall reading 'welcome back'

"Surprise!" I felt a person jump on my back and imeadiatlly I throw them off with my teliknisis. Hearing a thud, I turned around to see Ururaka slouched against the wall.

"Oh My GOD! IM SOOO SORRY." I said to her walking over and helping her up.

I heard a small 'tch' come from kacchan who seemed to be more quiet than usual.

"No... It was my fault I probley shouldn't have surprised a person who just came back from-" she looked away, I knew she didn't want to say it.

She is only your friend because she feels guilty.... KILL HER
I heard the voice in my head yell.
No she's a great friend because she feels guilty. SAY SORRY.

Ignored both voices once again just to end up with a pounding head ache in return.

"Any way mido we missed you Sooo much!" Mina exclaimed giving me a big hug. Soon all the girls joined and I was in one big hug with m*neta glaring at me.

"So izubro you all better or what?" Kirishima finally cut in getting all the girls off of me.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little,....well you know scarred."

" I know bro but all that matters it your safe, so let get this party started!" At that sero turned up the music making my headache worse.

People kept coming up to me and asking about my red eye, or my quirk. I didn't tell them about my pain nullifier quirk, but they where all interested when I told them about my healing quirk. I didn't tell them how I got it just that I had it.

That's when truth or dare started

"Alright guys you know what time it is!!!" Hagakure called out to us getting a bottle for truth or dare.

At this point my head was pounding and I felt like I was going to collapse. That's when I remember the whole water fiasco at villian base and went to the kitchen. I looked for a big cup and couldn't find one so I just got a bucket and filled it to the brim with water. Everyone was confused until I walked into the living room and started to chug it.

"Midoryia what are you doing?" Todoroki asked me with concern lacing his tone.

" Well*gulp* to heal I need to*gulp gulp* drink a lot of water. I don't really know what exactly I'm healing but if I don't *gulp* drink this whole thing I'll pass out." By the end of the conversation I had drank the whole bucket. Todoroki stood there shocked while I sat down. The rest of the class was staring at me but got over it soon when they herd Mina yell "I'm starting!" And the bottle in the middle of the room was spun and landed on m*neta.

"Yess... I choose dare! Dare me I'll do anything! You want me to take my shirt off-?" The boys had already detained him to a chair with seros tapes, and the girls spun again.

Who invited him?

The bottle ironically landed on me.

All the girls looked at me then m*neta and nodded to each other.

I'm going to regret this

"I choose d-dare."

All the girls smiled and then Mina spoke up while locking eyes with m*neta.

"Deku I dare you to......take your shirt off ." M*neta tried to go against his constraints but all he could do was give me a death stare.

I mentally slapped my self, knowing I shouldn't have chosen dare, but wanting to know what the girls wanted me to do.


"A dares a dare. If you don't do it you will have to go back to your dorm and we will call you a wuss, so do it!" Kamanari said

I reluctantly took my shirt off slowly, the whole class whatching closely.

I heard a bunch of gasps and then kacchan spoke up for the first time the whole night. To be quite honest it was like he wasn't there, thats how silent he had been.

"Hey deku did those dumbass villians give you those damn scars!"

I didn't even realize that my body scarred from the torture session I had with Dabi and toga.

"Umm......y-yes." I said as softly as I possibly could hopeing no one would hear me.

"ILL FUCKING KILL THEM ALL THOSE BASTARDS!" He yelled getting closer to me and looking me in the eyes. His voice was low only loud enough for me to hear.

"This is all my fault...I'm so sorry Izuku."

He's right it was his fault you were should kill him!
The first voice said
He's apologizing..... forgive him
The second one spoke.

Without warning kacchan stormed out of the room.

The game of truth or dare was ended after that and, everyone went to bed.

I sat on my bed thinking about what I would do at class tomorrow. I missed so much class time already. I wonder how everyone is doing with there quirks.
And that's when it hit me.

I have____________________

Sorry for the cliff hanger but thats how life is. Anyway thank you guys Soo much for 100+ reads, it makes me so happy! See ya next time.
Word count:1668

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