"Behind kamanari" Iida said.

I didn't know who kamanari was so I took my chance at a seat behind a kid with, black hair and what looked to be tape dispensers in his arms.

". ... Um that's not kamanari" kirishima said, a little on edge.

"Ohh ha ha ha" my laugh sounding a little more evil than it should have.
"Just kidding." Even though I was not kidding and they could tell. I took another chance on the seat behind a kid with yellow and black hair.

Please be kamanari.

The rest of the class laughed acuardly along with me.

I guess this is the right seat.

"So as I was saying, today class we will be fighting each other in the arena."

Bakugou smiled at this.

I can't fight or they'll find out...

I want to fight them Soo bad though.

hmmm I guess I'll fight one then fake a cough or something. I just can't hold myself back from fighting these reached hero's. But even I know trying to take them all on would be a big mistake. I just have to stay quiet till Tomura gives me info on what to do. If I leave he can't find me but if I stay at least he knows where I am.

On the way to the arena the people that had not visited me in the nurses office were all staring, and whispering


"Is it just me or is midoryia kinda... different?" Sero whispered to Mina.

"I know right I'm mean not only his eyes but I'm pretty sure he got taller to." Mina said in agreement, but just loud enough for deku to hear.

Mina put her hand over her mouth immediately realizing she spoke to loud.

I walked over to her.

So that's why there all stairing
I look different
..but didn't I always look this way?

I walked past her but hit into her arm, which made everybody look at me again. So much for staying quiet.

Stupid heros
I'm going to not just fight them I'ma ganna kill them and find my own way back to my real friends. Screw waiting for the 'right time'. I hate hero's and I'll make them pay for what they've done... wait...what did they do...? My memory must be foggy right now, we'll whatever I'll make them pay!

At the arena

"Ok kids ! Pick a number from this hat , the person who has the same number as you is the person your fighting." Midnight said as she brought out a hat filled with paper.


As every one picked numbers and figured out who they were fighting, I was coming up with a plan to escaper these smelly hero's.

Should I wait to go to the doorms then leave? They wouldn't just let me walk out after I was 'kidnapped' by villains not to long ago.


Should I kill someone and run?

I new which was the smarter plan.

Anyway if I kill somone I can't go back to this mission when I make it back to shigaraki.

"Ok" midnight said the list of whose fighting who is on the board"

I look up to see that

Ochaco vs. Mina

Iida vs. sero

Kamanari vs. mineta

Sue vs. jiro



Izuku vs. Todoroki


I was so happy that I was going to fight someone who deserves defeat.

It's so selfish to have 2 quirks and only use 1 for most of his teen years just because he resents his father. He needs to grow up or better yet a little wake up call! I can give that to him. I can purge this word of sinful hero's and his life can be first on the list! how does he think quirkless people feel? He doesn't know how hard it is to be quirkless, yet he dares to complain about how he has two?! Selfish, selfish scum that needs to die.

At villian base

"Are you sure it will work?" asked kiroguiri skeptically.

"Yes" toga said grinning "You think I wouldn't put a tracker on our little Izu, the second he leaves the school we will go collect him at his coordinates."

"Your smarter than I thought, now the waiting game." Tomura said also grinning.

The Memories Of A Villian (revised)Where stories live. Discover now