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I Iris Luna curse you. You'll never marry because no woman will want to marry you!

I can't believe  those words could change my life so much.

I grew up as a simple girl who lived in Taos.
I stayed with my grandma who is accused of being a witch.
I was always bullied because of my identity.
In my life, I only have one friend.
Well, that was before I met Kyle.

Three years ago, Kyle came to Taos to spend the vacation with his mom.
I was just 15 then and a junior in high school.
Everyone hated me except Selena who has been a loyal friend since we were kids.
Well I'll tell the story.

Selena was celebrating her birthday and she invited me.
I was reluctant to go but she begged me to go so I decided to go.
Grandma didn't have money.
I wore a plain dress which belonged to my mother but I cherished.
It was actually my best dress.
People made fun of me but I was there for Selena not them so I ignored them.

That night, I fell in love.
Sometimes I laugh at myself for falling in love that day.
I fell in love with Kyle.
I saw him as the most handsome man on earth.
He is Selena's cousin.
He was quite nice to me.
He asked me why I was wearing such a dress.
He gave me a very beautiful dress to wear.
He even told me I was beautiful.
I believed every single word he said.

I was later accused by Kyle's mother for stealing her dress.
"No. Kyle gave it to me."
"Kyle did you give it to her?"
Selena asked.
Kyle was silent.
"Did you really give it to her?" A girl with brown hair who I later found to be Kyle's girlfriend questioned.
"I didn't give it to her."
"Kyle how can you say that?"
Selena defended me.
"Throw this girl out of my house." Kyle's mother ordered.
"I know you are not guilty, Kyle loves Gabby so much. Gabby is very jealous."
Selena whispered into my ears.
I walked towards Kyle.
"I Iris Luna curse you. You'll never marry because no woman will want to marry you!"
I left after uttering these words.

The truth is I didn't know my curse would take effect.
I avoided everyone including Selena. I blamed her for my misfortune.
Two weeks after the incident, Selena came to my house.
She told me Gabby had broken up with Kyle.

Two months later, Kyle's mother came to my house.
My curse had taken effect.
Girls ditched Kyle for no reason.
She told me to revoke the curse.
I tried but it still didn't work.
My grandma told me it can't be revoked.
Kyle's mother threw insults at me and my grandma.

After a year, Kyle's mother took me to court.
It was the final verdict that changed my life.
I was to marry Kyle till perhaps if the curse is no more.
Kyle and his mother were shocked too.
"You cursed him so marry him."
I would become his wife when I turned 18.

Today, I'm 18 and I'm married.
I'm going to San Francisco.
I'm going to begin a new life.
A life I don't want.
He hates me and I despise him.
I only loved him a day.
I won't love him again.

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