Chapter 27

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Authors note: I'm very sorry it took me this long to update my story. I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. Also thank you soooo sooo much for all the support. I'm over whelmed with how much views and likes this book is getting! Thank you all <3 <3
You and Kurenai were looking at some brides dresses when Lady Tsunade bumped into you. "(y/n) we need to talk." You and Kurenai both continued looking at dresses trying to ignore her. "one minute, please." You met her gaze. She seemed so sad and defeated. What harm would come from hearing her side you thought. 

When you and lady fifth got to her office she dismissed Genma. Now only you her and shizune were present. "You cannot marry Kakashi." You frowned at her response, hoping she had an explanation to go with that statement. 

Kakashi's P.O.V

Guy was taking me around the village looking for a suit. I am more than capable of getting a suit for myself. 

"This suit would look good on you." Guy held the suit in front of me. "By the way, are you wearing that mask?" 

"I uhm-" Before I could finish, Genma joined us. "Hey Genma if this is about the mission, I-"

"I just came to tell you that Lady fifth is having a 'talk' with (y/n). I know she's trying to force her to marry Haru. Just thought I'd come tell you." I thanked him for telling me before rushing to (y/n).

I kicked down the door to find (y/n) and lady Tsunade talking. She turned to me tears running down her cheek. Immediately she ran into my arms. She tried telling me something but her voice was way too muffled for me to make it out.

"I thought we had a deal (y/n)." She clenched even harder onto my shirt when Tsunade said that.

"What are you talking about?" I glared at Tusnade. (y/n) started shivering, her heart rate was rapid and her breathing heavy. Before I could react she shoved me aside and made a run for it. Tsunade tried running after her but i grabbed onto her jacket, stopping her. She glared at me over her shoulder. 

"Do you really want to fight me Kakashi?" She turned to face me. Shizune tried talking sense into her but she shut her down. 

"Lady Tsunade please... how could you think giving (y/n) to Orochi-"

"Shut up Shizune!" Was she going to say Orochimaru? No doubt she was. 

"You bitch." my voice was low. "So having (y/n) marry Haru was a cover for giving her to Orochimaru?"

"Not quite." Her eyes started watering. It was irritating. Does she really expect me to pity her at all? "You're right. Having her marry Haru was going to be a cover up. That way Orochimaru could get her back and then you couldn't try to save her." Either Tsunade was really stupid or there was more to the plan. "It would only work if (y/n) would agree to play along. That way you'd accept that she doesn't love you anymore and move on. If you still thought she loved you then you'd obviously go after her and prevent Orochimaru from getting her back."

"Why would you want to give her to Orochimaru! She admires and looks up to you. Then you go and treat her like this... What the actual fuck Tsunade." I revealed my sharingan. She was going to pay for what she tried doing to her. 

I quickly formed a chidori. I leaped towards her but she managed to dodge it just in time. "Kakashi please stop." Shizune pleaded. "(y/n) is safe. Lady Tsunade won't give her over to Orochimaru or Haru. I promise." 

Tsunade didn't comment on her statement. Maybe she changed her mind? Still... (y/n) and I cannot stay in the village. Clearly it wasn't safe for us. "We are leaving this village. And if you dare send tracker ninja after us, you're the first one I'm coming to kill Tsunade. Still no comment. She just stayed silent. 

As I exited her office I noticed (y/n) sitting against the wall. "You been sitting there this whole time?" She nodded. "So you heard everything?" again she nodded. I sighed, it would have been better if she didn't just hear all that. I knelt down to her level. "Don't worry, I won't let her take you away from me."

"Lady Tsunade just wants to see her brother and boyfriend. They died back in the war. Orochimaru promised he'd bring them back to her if she handed me over." This made me even more angry.

"I'm not gonna let her hand you over to Orochimaru. I know she probably tried guilt tripping you. But I'm not going to let it happen."
I was shocked. It seemed as if she was actually considering it... I sure hope I was mistaken. "You're not thinking about giving yourself in right?"

Your P.O.V
You shook your head. Of course you weren't considering it. However you felt terribly for her. "Baby look at me." Kakashi grabbed your shoulders. "You're not leaving me right?" You could see the worry and anxiety in he's eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." You smiled at him which seemed to put him at ease a little.

"Let's just go somewhere far away from here. Let's get married and start a family." You wanted that so badly as well.

"What about Sasuke? Orochimaru obviously wants Sasuke too and with Tsunade around it's gonna be pretty easy for him to get Sasuke."

Something about Kakashis expression made you know you couldn't just leave. So what... you guys would have to kill Tsunade?

"You two don't have to leave the village. The arranged marriage is off and I've cut ties with Orochimaru." Lady Tsunade said as she opened her office door. You could tell she was being genuine but she was also very sad... you couldn't help but pity her.

"Tsunade I'm sorry." You went in to hug her but Kakashi stopped you. Tsunade went back into her office leaving you and Kakashi alone in the corridor. "So I guess we don't have to get married right now after all huh." You were kinda sad that Kakashi wasn't forced to marry you after all. 

He pulled you in for a passionate kiss. His hands wrapped tightly around your waist. Kakashi looked at you all intense. "I want to get married to you with all my heart. Tsuande changes nothing." His hand caressed your face and to be honest it made you feel slightly aroused. "That's if you'll still have me?" You shouted yes for the second time.

You and Kakashi had an intimate wedding. Of course Guy officiated and was also Kakashi's best man. 

The two of you decided to stay in the village after all. Partly because Kakashi didn't want to just leave team 7. And mostly because traveling all over the place pregnant did not sound very appealing to you.

Author's note: That brings us to the end of this fanfic. Again I am so very sorry this took soooo long to come out. I had huge personal issues to sort out. If anyone has any requests about other fanfics they'd like to write feel free to message me or comment. If I'm familiar with the anime I'll give it a go. <3 <3 <3 

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