Chapter 8

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You have been skipping training for nearly a week now. You've been using the excuse that you had a cold but that soon wouldn't be able to work anymore. 

"This is stupid! I can't hide away from him forever." You said to yourself as you paced up and down in your apartment.

You then heard a knock on your front door. Please don't be Kakashi, please don't be Kakashi. "(Y/N), it's Kakashi. Can we talk?" He knocked a second time.

You slowly peered the door open. "Talk about what?" You asked, hiding behind the door.

"Can I come in?" His tone was serious. "I know you're not sick. Look I just want to make things right between us. I've given you a week to cool off but now I want to talk. I'm not leaving until you let me in." You blushed at how demanding he was being.

You opened the door and stepped aside to let Kakashi in. "There's really nothing to talk about." You said looking to the floor.

"What's wrong? Just be honest with me, please (Y/N)." He took a few steps towards you.

"Kakashi..." You held up your hands, positioning him to stop. "It was just a really bad day. And you walked in at the wrong time. I promise you it's nothing."

"I don't know why you can't just tell me the truth (Y/N)." You looked shocked. How did he know you were lying? "You still bite your top lip when you lie. I remember when we were kids you always did it when you were lying."

"I'm surprised you remember." You smiled, still looking to the floor.

He lifted your head by the chin so that you were facing him. "Of course I do. You were... are one of my closest friends. Which is why it pains me that there is this distance between us."

You felt terrible for being so distant and angry towards him. "Kakashi, I really don't want to talk about it. But I do want to make a truce. I'm really sorry for being so mean and distant and cold. Will you please forgive me." He pulled you into a hug. He held your head and upper back.

You wrapped your arms around his waist. "I take that as a yes?" You asked, your head buried in his chest.

"Of course it is. I'm just happy your speaking to me again." He broke the embrace to look at you. "I'm not gonna lie, it's really bothering me not knowing what I did to make you upset..."

"No." You interrupted. "It's all me. Not you. You did nothing wrong Kakashi." You assured him.

"Okay but still. I don't want you suffering alone. I'm here for you (Y/N)." He gripped your shoulders, still looking you in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that with your mask still on." You joked.

Kakashi chuckled before taking his mask off and repeating what he had said. "Did you hear me that time?" He smiled. You really loved his smile, and that beauty mark was so cute. "(Y/N)?" You just realised you were staring.

"Uhm yes, yes I heard you." You giggled nervously.

"Is there something on my face?" You shook your head. "Okay, and by the way I want to see you at training tomorrow."

"Yes sensei, I'll be there." You mocked. "Who would have thought you'd end up being my sensei." You giggled.

"Well I'm glad." He then realised what his sentenced sounded like. "I mean, im not glad Orochimaru kidnapped you. I'm glad you're in my team." He smiled nervously.

"I'm glad too." He smiled at you. There was a silence between the two of you. It wasn't necessarily awkward but you could feel there was an atmosphere.

"I have to get back to the team. I'll see you for training bright and early tomorrow." You both said your goodbyes and he left.

You were really happy that you and Kakashi were on speaking terms again. However, you were still upset about the fact that he would never return your feelings. You would just have to suppress these feelings. You didn't want to risk losing his friendship.

Later that afternoon you decided to go for a walk. You've been cooped up in your apartment for far too long.

After putting on a decent outfit. A nice (f/c) sundress and (f/c) pumps you left. You were just aimlessly walking around the village, taking in the much needed fresh air. "Hey (Y/N)." You turned to see Naruto running up to you. "How are you doing? Kakashi sensei said you've been sick."

"I'm fine Naruto." You assured him. He then ran off again without another word.
. You noticed a crowd of people gathered in one spot. You heard someone singing, she was pretty good.

You manouvered through the crowed trying to get a better view. To your complete and utter terror you saw a woman in Kakashis arms, her kissing him. His mask still covering his face.

"Kakashi..." You felt your heart break in two. Tears starting to well up in your eyes.

"(Y/N), this isn't..."

"I'm happy for you Kakashi." You ran back to your apartment before you started crying in front of everyone.

Once you got back you locked your front door, then locked yourself in your room as well. "I can't be in his team anymore. This pain, it hurts too much." You chocked out. "I'm requesting a team change first thing tomorrow morning.

Authors note: I'm sorry for ending this one in a kind of cliff hanger. None the less I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊♥️.

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