Chapter 25

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Today was the day of the mission and Kakashi already turned into you.

He was wearing the same training outfit you always wear but with his jounin jacket. "Uhm Kakashi, you cannot wear that." He frowned.

"I worked hard to get this jacket." You then commenced with unbuttoning his jacket. He seemed very upset about you taking his jacket but he was just going to get over it. "you better not skip out on training while i'm gone." He said sternly. You nodded in response. 

"Okay well I packed everything for you already." You said as you handed his bag to him. He gave you a kiss before leaving.

Kakashi P.o.v

As soon as I met up with the team I could tell many of them were trying very hard to hold back laughter. "Quiet, I am still in charge here." 

"Well technically I'm in charge." Genma chimed in hesitantly. I gave him a dirty side glance before walking ahead.

Haru was waiting for us at the hokages office. He's face as disgusting and smug as ever.

"Why hello my beautiful (Y/N)." He smiled at me. At this point I was trying very hard to not vomit.

"Hey." I tried sounding as uninterested and disgusted as possible. Genma then slightly hit my shoulder with his arm. "Hello Prince Haru." I said in a more bright tone,  but it still kinda sounded sarcastic.

He stepped closer. He was an average height but he towered over me... I was still getting used to being this short. Poor (Y/N), it really sucks being this short. However it does make her look really cute. "Shall we go, my bride to be." He held out his arm for me to take.

I took his arm before replying. "Yeah sure whatever..." I then realised what he had said. "Wait what?" The others looked just as shocked as me.

"We are getting married my sweet." I looked over at Lady Tsunade, still holding onto Haru's arm.

"Yeah you two are getting married. Deal with it." She sounded very blasé. This irritated the shit out of me.

"What the hell Tsunade!" I slammed my hands on her desk. "If (Y/N)s gonna marry anyone it's gonna be me!" She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "I mean Kakashi. If (Y/N)s gonna marry anyone it's gonna be Kakashi."

Tsunade then demanded I turn back into myself. Obviously my little outburst made it obvious that I wasn't (Y/N). I did as she said and transformed back into myself. "Lady Tsunade with all due respect are you out of your fucking mind? How could you agree to this?"

"What's this?" Haru said. "Where's my (Y/N)?" I walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar.

"She's mine, you piece of shit." Lady Tsunade then intervened.

"Kakashi, enough." I threw Haru to the floor. "This is necessary. It's the only way we'll have the land of tea as allies." I was even more confused than before.

"Why would we want the land of tea as allies? They have no ninja of their own!" She then explained that the land of tea had many other allies with powerful ninja armies.
"During times like these, we need as much allies as possible. What with the Akatsuki coming out of hiding. " she continued.

"But why does (Y/N) have to marry him? That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Shes not a nobleman or royalty."

"Kakashi enough!" Tsunade stood up. "I've made my decision and it's final. They will get married in the land of tea next week." I walked away slamming the door as I excited.

Your P.O.V
You were making yourself a BLT when Kakashi came barging into the apartment. "You're home early." He walked passed you in a rage. It looked as if he was going into your and his room.

You followed him only to find him packing your clothes along with his. "Kakashi whats going on? What are you doing?" You asked, taking a bite out of your sandwich.

"We are leaving this fucking village." Was all he said as he flung his bag over his shoulder and took yours in his hand.

"Kakashi wait! What's going on? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on." He took a deep breathe before replying. His back faced towards you as he stood infront of your bedroom door.

"Lady Tsunade arranged that you get  married tobHaru." Your heart sunk into your stomach. "Which is why we're leaving." He then turned towards you. "If we leave we'll become rogue ninja yes but I promise I'll protect you. We'll build a life together somewhere far away. If you want, that is."

"But I don't want to leave... the leaf is my home... can't we try and reason with Tsunade?" He shook his head.

"If we stay you'll be forced to marry Haru. Unless..." he paused for a second.

"Unless what?" You asked anxiously.
He then got down on one knee and took your hand in his.

"Unless you marry me." Your heart started beating so fast. This was definitly not something you were expecting.

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